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The ride home was surprisingly uneventful. Oliver fell asleep halfway through the flight, and I soon did the same. This time, there was no sexual activity. Oliver knew I was still struggling to get better, because lord knows, we both hate it when I'm sick.

We finally landed after hours of nothing but sleep and sneezing into a kleenex. I yawned and Oliver helped me with our bags. We walked off the plane and into the lobby area where I saw someone who I hadn't seen in ages.

"Tom?" I gasped, making eye contact with Oli's little brother. Tom grinned, recognizing us and we walked clumsily to Oli and I. Oliver groaned slightly and rolled his eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Oli grumbled to his brother once he was in ear-shot.

"Hello to you too." Tom said sourly, giving Oli a glare. "I'm here because I asked Jordan not to pick you up so I could have some bonding time with my brother."

"Well, I'm with Josh right now." Oli said defiantly.

"Well, then I can have bonding time with my brother and my brother in-law." Tom replied, not taking no for an answer. "C'mon. The car's on and the AC is blaring."


While at Tom's apartment, we found a way to not go at each other's throats, which was watching a movie. We had just settled on watching some horror movie when a preview popped up out of nowhere, startling all three of us.

Of course, I was still feeling a little under the weather, so it was extremely difficult for me to hide my shock. Oliver, however was a different story. He was always so good at hiding his emotions.

"Mr. Grey will see you now." Said the voice on the television. I felt my ears grow hot from embarrassment.

"Oh shit." Tom groaned. "If I see another advertisement for this fucked up porno, I think I'll kill myself."

Oliver was silent as he stared at the screen. I did the same, gnawing on my lip. Truthfully, 50 Shades Of Grey put a bad name on BDSM. Instead of focusing on the life-style, it purely focused on the sexual endeavor. (I'm gonna be honest, this is how I truly feel about 50 Shades, and I know I only wrote porn for these chapters, but i know you guys like smut, so I deliver...I might focus on the purity of a BDSM relationship, but I might just write porn. Idk)

I swallowed hard, trying to come up with words to defend this BDSM life-style, but none came to mind.

"You know, the author is getting a ton of criticism for getting the aspects of BDSM wrong." Oliver said testily. "Just thought you'd want to know that."

"All I know is that the 'dominant' is basically raping the 'submissive'." Tom snorted. "The stuff they do is fucked up."

"It's not purely about sex, Tom." I replied, finally finding my voice. "It's about completely devoting yourself to your lover. Giving all you have to someone because you trust them with your own life." I saw Oliver smile a little out of the corner of my eye which only reassured me that he agreed with what I was saying.

"Oh sure, and you're just some expert on BDSM, right?" Tom snickered, rolling his eyes. "I mean, you two may get kinky in bed, but BDSM is so fucked up."

"And you're just an expert on BDSM, then?" Oliver countered. "And you obviously know more about it than we do."

"My source is Wikipedia." Tom answered, wrinkling his nose. "Your source is a whimsy rumor."

"Oh, shut up, Tom." Oliver snorted. I felt my stomach drop to my toes as I let his words sink in. Was I just some idiotic boy who put his faith in someone who just abuses me? No, no I wasn't. I loved Oliver. I trusted him with all of me. I trusted him more than I trusted myself, which is something that was so difficult for me to fathom. Yet, here I was, questioning my life decisions.

"M'gunna be sick-" I mumbled, covering my mouth and standing quickly. Oliver, being the concerned little shit he is, stood up as well. "Fuck okay-"

I quickly walked to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me before I released my stomach in the basin.

I coughed, gagging on a few strings of spit and I flushed the toilet, watching my sick swirl around before being sucked into the drain.

"Josh...?" Asked Oliver's voice, pulling me out of my self pity. I glanced up from the floor and rested my head in my hands, tearing up instantly.

"It's okay, Josh, I promise." Oliver sat down next to me, hugging me tightly. "Hey, what the fuck does Tom know anyway?" Oliver smiled sadly, kissing my temple. I curled into his embrace, crying harder.

"I love you." I sobbed, holding him tighter, clutching onto his shirt with my fists. "I love you so much. It's not true about what Tom said...right? Because I love're not using me, are you?"

"If I was using you," Oli said tiredly, "why the fuck would I have married you? Josh, I cannot stress this enough. I love you for who you are, not what you do for me. You being my submissive is just a plus side to you. You are my husband and my love, submissive or not." Oliver kissed me again and rubbed my back, calming me down. "And fuck what Tom says, or thinks. He knows nothing. And I've told him that every day of his stupid life."

I laughed, nodding a little, wiping tears away, before the familiar nauseous wave ran through me. "Oh fuck-" I started, but Oliver got the gist, letting me go so I could lean into the toilet bowl, throwing up again.

"You're really sick, huh?" Oli muttered sadly, clicking his tongue slightly. I took a moment to steady my breathing, nodding a little. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and also wiped the sweat from my forehead. "We should go home."

"Should have gone home from the start." I groaned, flushing the toilet once more. Oliver nodded, agreeing with me.

"I know. I just had to entertain Tom with the idea that we were actually happy while in his presence."

I smiled at Oli, licking my drying lips. "D'ya have breath mints?"

"Yeah." Oli handed me a package of mentos before standing up, his knees cracking slightly. "I'll go tell Tom."

I nodded, watching him leave the room. I sat, just staring into space. I loved Oliver. Wasn't that enough?


Hey guys! A shorter update! Sorry for the confusing fake update. I got too excited and accidentally hit the publish button, not the save button. :P I'm going to Warped Tour tomorrow! If you're going tomorrow in Mansfield MA, let me know! Maybe I'll see you guys there!!! :)


Ps, do you like my picture? It might be my senior picture, but idk

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