Andy Biersack Imagine part 2

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The morning came and Ashley asked Andy who that was. Tou were in the room at the time so andy covered for you. "It was no one." Ashley didn't belive him but didn't want to argue.

The next day there were no concerts so your friend and the rest if bvb head out for a fun day but u and Andy stay on the bus. As you were cuddleing and about to kiss there was an unexpected surprise, Ashley came onto the bus and caught you two in the act. He phones Jinxx to tell everyone to come back to the bus as he has something to say.

About half an hour later they arrive back trying to think of what he would want them back for. Then they knew what it was when they walked on. You and Andy try to explain yourselves but all you could say is "we love each other very much and there is nothing that you can do to stop that."

But they tried to do so as one of them had to stay with you both to make sure you didn't do any silly stuff. However that didn't stop you. After the tour was over, he invited you to come and stay with him. Within a few months you become pregnant and having a bouncing baby boy you named James. Andy you all lived happily ever after.....


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