Ashley Purdy Imagine

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Time of the Month

Going to bed late last night was the wrong thing to do if I'm being honest with you. I was awoken this morning to really bad stomach cramps which could only mean one thing. Yay, yet another song from Mother Nature saying to be that I'm not pregnant.

Turning over to see if my boyfriend of four years - Ashley Purdy - was there. But he wasn't instead there was a note which read , 'Sam baby, I'm sorry that I'm not there for you when you wake up, but I was called into the studio to finish up the final bit of the album with Andy. Call me if you need me baby girl, my phone is on loud. I love you so much xxxxx. Ash'

I really wish he was here but like he says in the note, I can call him if I need to.

Now feeling hungry, I stood up slowly from the bed only to see that I have got blood all over the bedsheets around where I was sleeping. With that, tears filled my eyes and I sunk to the ground not really caring anymore.

After about ten minutes of crying, I grabbed my phone and called Ash. I really need him right now.

(Ash is in bold, I am in italics)

Hey baby, did you get my note?

Y-Y-Y-Yeah I d-d-did

Babe, what's wrong? Have you been crying?

A-A-Ash I n-need you

Sam, take deep breaths for me and tell me what's wrong

I-I-'m sorry

Why are you sorry, princess?

I got b-b-blood on th-the bedsheets

Babe, there is no need to be sorry at all. I forgot that you were due to have your period. I'm on my way home. do you need me to pick anything up?

C-C-Chocolate, ice cream, and y-you

I'm always here got you, baby, nothing will change. and ill grab those for you. Get changed into comfy clothes and meet me in the lounge. or do you want me to help you when I get there?

Can y-you help me p-p-please?

Alright, princess. Cuddle with my pillow, for now, take deep breaths and I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you so much

I love you too Ash

After hanging up the phone with Ash, I grabbed his pillow as he said to and I inhaled his scent. doing this, calmed me down that extra bit more till he got back.

30 minutes later, Ash ran into the bedroom and straight over to me and kissed my forehead ever so gently. It was as if though he didn't want to cause me any more pain. Not that he could ever do that to me.

Ash: I've got a nice hot bath running for you, baby. I know that your tummy is causing you grief.

Me: I don't know what I would do without Ashley Purdy. And I'm sorry that I took you away from the studio and had to leave Andy to finish off what was needed to be finished for the album. I know that that's important.

Ash: You're more important than anything baby girl. And I don't know what I would do without you either baby girl. And don't be sorry about taking me away, we were near enough done anyway.

Me: *kisses him* My Purdy boy.

Ash: *kisses back* My Purdy girl. Now let's get you comfortable.

Before I could even give my answer, he takes his pillow out of my arms and picks me up, making me squeal, and whispers in my ear about how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. I wasn't paying attention as to when Ash took off my clothes and sat me in the nice hot bath.

Ash: Babe you stay in here, get yourself cleaned up and ill go change the bedding.

Me: *looks up* But it's my mess, Ash. I'll change it when I get out.

Ash: No arguments baby. This doesn't matter to me. Plus I know that you couldn't help it.

Me: Fine. You're too good to me

Ash: *kisses me head and leaves*

Ten minutes later, I get out of the bath, wrap a towel around myself and head to the bedroom. There I see Ash sitting on the freshly changed bed. He has sat next to him a fresh set of pajamas, a sanitary towel (as I don't like tampons) as well as my ice cream and chocolate.

Smiling largely, Ash gets up from the bed and helps me dry, into my clothes and braids my hair, as he knows that playing with it and styling it calms me down more. He takes my hands and lays me down, then pulls me into his chest. Giggling, he passes me some medication and a bottle of water from the bedside table to help with the cramps.

After putting my drink down, I look towards Ash and see him still smiling with a spoonful of ice cream. Taking the spoon into my mouth, he holds up one of my favorite film, Now You See Me. Putting in the film and snuggling up with Ash makes me feel so much better. I really couldn't have asked for anyone better than Ashley Purdy.

Sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I will try my best to make as many posts as I can as I have some ideas in my head that I need to get out. And I know that Ash isn't in the band anymore and if anyone wants I will stop so that they don't get too upset that I am posting a fanfic about something that he isn't in anymore

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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