BVB Imagine Part 1

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Sorry that I haven't been updating I have been really busy.

Waking upon a normal school day. You get dressed, brush your teeth, get dressed (it's non school uniform so u where a bvb shirt and black skinnys) and go downstairs to have some breakfast. Once you are done your say bye to your mum and head for the bus stop. At the bus stop you are listening to your favorite song do you are completely in your own world. A bus pulls up so you turn your music off (I know people don't do this but I do) and head on. But as you put one foot on you notice that this isn't your bus, so you get out and look to see you number it is. You are completely shocked to see your one and only favourite bands that have saved you life, Black Veil Brides. You totally freak out and faint. As Jake is the only one in the bus (apart from the driver) at the time, he carries you into the bus and places you in his bunk. You come round after about an hour and Jake is looking at you from the opposite side of the bunk to see if you are alright.
"Are you alright?"

What happened next well you will find out soon.

As I've said before I have been really busy mostly talking to my beautiful sister and revising for exams but I will try and post more often guys I swear

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