Jinxx Imagine

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( Your POV)

I was sitting on the couch waiting for my boyfriend to come home, rubbing my very pregnant belly. You see I couldn't go with him as he wouldn't let me but he also had to go no matter how many times I said to him that he needed to get out as he's been looking after me as I could pop at any moment.

*A few hours ago*

"Jinxx you have to go, the guys are expecting you to be there I'll be fine. if I have any issues I'll ring you."

"As long as you're sure (Y/N) I just want to be with you just in case you go into labour as you are about to pop any minute now!" Jinxx worriedly spoke

"Jinxx I have friend with me remember and she will look after me the best she can and if I d she will ring you. I promise."

"Alright baby I'll go just call me if you do I want to be with you and meet our little one at the same time" he said rubbing my tummy.

Just like that our little one kicked where his hand was.

"Awwwww Jinxx she kicked. I cant wait to meet her!" As you can tell I am very excited to meet our daughter as I already love her with all my heart.

*back to present time*

I wish that I let Jinxx stay with me as my water just broke and we are on or way to the hospital.

"Aaaaaahhhhh! Fuck this hurts like a bitch." I screamed as another contraction passed through my body.

"Don't worry (Y/N) we are nearly there and Jinxx is on his way." my best friend said to me to help calm me down.

*skip the birth as I really cant be asked to write one as I'm really lazy*

After being in labour for god knows how long me and Jinxx are now holding our beautiful son who we named after the lead guitarist, Jacob Michael Ferguson.

Sorry this one is a bit rubbish I rushed it

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