Your point of view from part 3

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(Y/N view)

I am now eight months pregnant with the Ashley Purdy's baby. And yes you did hear me right the Ashley Purdy from the famous Black Veil Brides.

Luckily my brother CC who plays drums excepted the fact that me and Ash had sex when I was 15 I am now 16 and I can't wait for this little one to be born. We don't know the gender of the baby as we wanted to keep it a secret till the birth.

"(Y/N) how are you doing? Do you need a pillow, a back rub, food-" Ash frantically spoke but I cut him off by walking (well waddling up to him) and gave him a kiss.

"Ash stop worrying I'm fine." I said as I kissed him again.

*A few hours later*

Its been a few hours since Ash was worried about me but I think he was right to as I have been feeling very bad pains in my tummy.

CC noticed the pain in my face.

"You alright sis, is it the baby?"

I couldn't speak as the pain was really bad but I just nodded and grabbed his hand with all my force.

"Ash get here now (Y/N) needs you more!" CC screamed.

With that Ash came running out of the bunk area at the speed of lightening and rushed to me.

As he rushed to me my water broke.

"CC call for an ambulance (Y/N) is in labour. Sweetie everything is going to be alright when the next contraction comes breath and squeeze my hand." Ash tried to comfort me.

With that the next contraction came and I did exactly what Ash has said to do.

*skipping the ambulance coming and the birth coz I'm lazy*

Me and Ash are now looking at our baby boy and girl which was unexpected but we are very pleased to have them here with us now. We named our daughter after my mum, Amber Zoe Purdy. And we named our son after someone who we both love which is Jinxx but we went by his real name, Jeremy Chris Purdy.

Our family is now complete.

Song I'll be there by Mariah Carey

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