Jake Pitts Imagine

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This is a request from Daughter_Of_Night_13 sorry about publishing this so late, had tighter block. Jake Pitts 15-year-old daughter and how she gets pregnant with Johnnie Guilbert's baby. He gets mad and she leaves. He calls her and him and the rest of BVB to talk to her and Johnnie about it. I will be making a few adaptations to it. Hope you don't mind and hope you like it.

****Sorry this is going to be a long imagine****

Hey, guys, my name is Carolyn Pitts and I'm 15 years old. If you don't know where that name rings a bell, I am Jake and Inna Pitts' daughter. My mom and dad named me after dad's mum. I wish I could have met her but she, unfortunately, passed away before I was born.

I have the best uncles in the world. Uncle CC is as mad as the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland, Uncle Jinxx is really caring and he acts more of a brother to me than an uncle, Uncle Andy helps me overcome so many things such as being about to sing on stage with them and a few concerts and I know that he is always there for me when I need to talk to him as well as cuddle with me when we are watching Batman or when I need a hug and chat and Uncle Ashley - or Purdy Boy as I call him - is an amazing person to be around. He is another one of my cuddle buddies when I'm by myself.

If you're wondering why I said 'when I'm by myself' it's because I have a wonderful boyfriend, Johnnie who is 16. But dad won't allow him to on our bus. I know dad wants to keep me as safe as possible by not allowing Johnnie onto the bus, but he never said anything about me not going to his bus.

We are currently on tour with a load of bands such as New Years Day, Motionless in White, Fallout Boy, Panic at the Disco and many more. If you're wondering where my mom is, well she is at home as she has a few meetings to attend to that she couldn't reschedule. I wish she was here with us as I miss her so much.

**** Flashback to a couple of weeks ago ****

2 years since I started dating Johnnie and those 2 years have been amazing. Johnnie has been so wonderful and understanding that I wasn't ready but today I think I am. When everyone was in their bunk asleep, I snuck out and texted Johnnie.

Me: Hey babe I'm on my way, everyone is asleep, and I have another present to give u xxx

Johnnie: Aww baby u don't have to give me another present. Just u being here is all the present I need xxx

Me: I know but this is a special one xxx

Johnnie: my stubborn princess. I'm outside my bus babe xxx

I ran up to Johnnie and gave him so many kisses, it was like I haven't seen him in a very long time.

Johnnie: what is the present that u want to give to me so much princess?

Me: *links fingers on both hands* well this is very special to a girl and I trust you

Johnnie: *lets both hands go and picks me up* are you sure about this?

Me: yes, I'm ready and I trust you with all my heart

**** End of flashback ****

It's been a few weeks since the first time Johnnie and I have had sex. But the thing is we forgot the condom and he didn't pull out fast enough and came inside me. I am now sitting in the bathroom with mum and dad talking to me and telling me to go to the doctor to find out what's wrong with me, as I have been sick so many times in the past few weeks then I have ever been in my life. I think I know what's going on with my body but I'm too scared to admit it to myself.

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