Chapter 43: Y/n's Nightmare part: 2

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Ruby's POV:

After me and Hibana looked through the building to find clues about my big brother but we found nothing.

Ruby: What now we look all over this place?

Hibana: I do know the information got to be here but where.

We started to think until Hibana had an idea.

Hibana: The CEO's office!

Ruby: Okay but where is the CEO's office located at?

Hibana looked around until she saw some stairs.

Hibana: The stairs that must go to the CEO's office!

We ran towards the stairs when we were about to reach them the alarm started to go off.

Hibana: That's not good.

Ruby: What is going on? how does the Nightmare know we are here!?

Hibana: I don't know how but a drone or security cameras must've seen us entering the building.

Then we heard footsteps running towards our direction.

Ruby: It sounds like we are going to have company, I say cheese it!!!

Hibana: Cheese it?

Ruby: Run!!!

3rd POV:

They started to run towards the main entrance. when we reached the entrance Sentinel and Wolves troops along with two Andras waiting outside for us.

Sentinel troop: Freeze put your hands up in the air or we will open fire on you!

Ruby looked at Hibana before activating my semblance and grabbed her taking both of them somewhere safe. only leaving red and black rose petals. After Ruby got the both of them to somewhere safe.

Hibana: Thanks Ruby.

Ruby: Not a problem Yumiko.

Hibana: Let's get back to the jeep. it is just a matter of time until they find us.

Just then they could heard voices.

Wolf 1: Where did they go!?

Wolf 2: I don't know let's check over here!

Ruby: To late for that.

Hibana: Ruby, I have a idea pull out one of your coins.

Ruby: Why?

Hibana: We're going to make decoys to distract them so we can make a break for it to the jeep.

They pulled out a coin then toast them making two decoys. The two decoys ran out getting the attention of the two wolves.

Wolf 1: There they are!

Wolf 2: After them!

After the two wolves ran after the decoys Hibana and Ruby waited a few minutes before popping out their heads to see if the coast is clear.

Hibana: Move!

They started to run towards where they left the jeep.

Ruby: What are we going to do when we get back to the jeep?

Hibana: We are going to get out of here and get somewhere safe for us to go back to the real world.

Ruby: Got it!

As they were about to reach the jeep but the jeep suddenly exploded knocking Ruby and Hibana down to the ground.

Nomad's POV: