Chapter 1: he wished he had a friend more than anything

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I'm really bad at deadlines so don't expect consistent updates, I'm just going to put that out there. I hope that you enjoy.

When Michael was five he didn't really think much of it when his teacher Mr Richards gave him extra long hugs. It made him feel extra special and he'd always walk out of the classroom with a gigantic grin etched across his face and run into his mum's awaiting arms, already rambling about what a fantastic day he'd had and pointing at all the gold stars he'd received that were randomly littered around his jumper. He'd talk so fast that he'd stumble over his words and start new sentences before he'd finished the old ones but his mum never seemed to mind. She would just smile and say "It sounds like you had a fun day, Michael," and he had, so he'd nod along and drag his mum to the car so that they could get home a fraction of a second quicker because his dad would have his tea ready when he got home. 

It wasn't until Michael's sixth birthday when he realised something was wrong. He was unfortunately at school on the 20th of November and sulked for the entire car journey. His mum had to physically pick him up and drag him to the classroom where he stood with his arms folded and a pout on his lips. "Have a good day, honey," His mum said, offering a sympathetic smile and kissing his forehead. He didn't respond, instead he blew a raspberry at his fringe that had fallen in front of his eyes in hopes of getting it to move without the aid of his hands. His mum sighed and squeezed his shoulder before leaving. 
"Now then, Mr Clifford," A gruff voice spoke from behind Michael's small frame and he wasn't able to repress the corners of his lips turning upwards at the sound of it, "I hear that it's a special someone's sixth birthday today," Michael turned his head at that and was faced with Mr Richards' face only centimetres in front of his "Do you have any idea who's it could be because I'm stumped!" Mr Richards said, placing his hands on his knees in his crouched position.
"Hey!" Michael groaned, shoving his shoulder, that almost caused Mr Richards to fall backwards, "You know it's mine," Michael huffed and folded his arms even tighter.
"Of course I know, little guy," He said, reaching forward and ruffling Michael's hair "I've got a special present for you later," He smiled and Michael smiled too.

When Michael's mum picked him up later that day he wasn't smiling after Mr Richards bent down to give him a hug and whispered "You're my favourite pupil, Mikey" into his ear, he didn't walk into his mum's open arms, and he didn't tell her about his day. She presumed it was because he was still mardy at her for forcing him into school so she didn't comment on it and they drove home in silence. Michael didn't say a lot for the rest of the day. He had an awfully salty taste in his mouth and could still feel Mr Richards' hands all over him and it felt wrong. He'd never been touched like that. 

Despite Michael being a charismatic, friendly and kind six year old, he didn't have any friends. His parents would always tell him that he simply came on too strongly and needed to be a little quieter and listen when other people talked rather than talk over them. Mr Richards said it was because everyone was jealous of how close they were, and how he was 'his boy, his Mikey'. That night, when Michael's dad had tucked him into bed, he wished he had a friend more than anything so he could ask them what to do. He liked Mr Richards and for some reason he wanted him to touch him again.

Ew ew ew I feel so gross writing this but it's basically giving you an insight to the beginning and presumably you'll understand why this is so short. I can't write any more. The next chapter will be of 17 year old Michael and Calum so do not fret! Thanks for reading, please vote and comment and then I'll dedicate a chapter to you.

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