Chapter 2: Like when your sister caught you wanking

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Yay, no gross molestation stuff.

"Michael, I swear to fucking god if you do not shut the fuck up I will ram this fucking pen up your fucking arse you fuckface."
"Oh Cal, you say the sweetest things," Michael smiled, immediately ducking when Calum groaned and threw his pen at him.
"All I want to do is pass my fucking A Levels, you dipshit," Calum sighed and threw his stack of notes on the floor. He flopped face first on Michael's bed once they scattered around the room and a few went out the open window "For fucks sake," he mumbled into the pillow and clutched it tightly.
"Fuck isn't the only word in your vocabulary, Cal," Michael said, putting down his xbox controller and reaching out to pick up the sheets of paper "And who needs sociology anyway? You know what's really important and vital in life?"
"Enlighten me," Calum said, making no effort to move his head from the pillow so that Michael could understand him more clearly.
"Killing zombies," Michael grinned, walking over to the window and easily climbing out, perks of a one story house, "So shut the fuck up, get the fuck up, grab a fucking controller and press X," he said, returning with a small stack of paper "Sociology can wait."
"If I fail I'm blaming you," Calum said, still not moving from his spot.
"Sorry Mrs Hood, I'm the reason as to why Calum received 2 U's and an E, I super glued a controller into his hand and locked all of the doors and windows in my house - he was trapped!" Michael sarcastically said, gripping one of Calum's ankles with both hands and forcefully dragging him to the floor with a loud thump.
"Fucking hell, Mike," Calum said, sitting up and rubbing his head, "And why not 3 U's?"
"You need to aim high, young one," Michael said, ruffling Calum's hair and hitting play.
"Oh all the things I could do with 20 UCAS points," Calum grumbled.
"You'd only be 180 away from going to Uni!" Michael cheered and shot a lop sided grin at Calum and got a shove in response. 

"Well, that killed a good hour," Calum said, stretching his arms above his head and yawning, "Now back to Crime!"
"Merton can wait, Calum." Michael whined.
"How do you know about Merton? You don't even take sociology," Calum said, furrowing his eyebrows at his friend.
"You complain about him practically every day, if you mention the underclass theory one more time I may have to shoot you in the head," Michael said, scratching the back of his neck and suppressing a yawn. "I could probably take your exam for you."
"I doubt it, we haven't learnt the whole speck yet. But feel free to, you'd probably do better than me."
"I appreciate that," Michael said, standing up with Calum and stretching his limbs and cringing at the sound of his bones popping in their sockets. "What's the plan for today, Hood?"
Calum glanced at the clock on Michael's wall before responding "Well seeing as it's just gone 11pm and we're at college tomorrow I was thinking bed."
"Sleep is for the weak."
"You are weak, Mikey," Calum said, moving all of his unused revision guides and text books off the bed and into a stack on the floor.
"I told you not to call me that," Michael said quietly, flopping down on the corner of his bed.
"Yeah but you never said why," Calum shrugged, starting to strip off his clothes and discard them on the floor "Was it what an ex boyfriend called you or something? Did you date someone and not tell me because that seems very you."
"Shut up, Calum," Michael said, climbing into bed and turning his back to Calum.
"What? So now I don't get the pleasure of seeing your face?" Calum laughed but suddenly stopped once he realised Michael wasn't in a joking mood. He sighed and climbed into the other side of the bed "Are you at least going to take your jeans off?" Calum asked, attempting to put his arm around Michael, but having it harshly tugged off.

"Michael," Calum sighed after a few minutes of silence, "I'm sorry okay? It was an accident and it won't happen again." He huffed when he didn't get a response. He figured that the logical explanation as to why he was now receiving the silent treatment was because Michael had drifted into dreamland, so he reached around the boy and attempted to undo his belt.
"What is it with you and trying to see me in my underwear?" Michael said and turned to face Calum.
"I thought you were asleep," Calum whispered, inching closer.
"I'm not," Michael smiled, which caused Calum to roll his eyes.
"Obviously. Are you going to take your jeans off now because they'll be very uncomfortable."
"Fine, mother," Michael joked and reached under the duvet, quickly pulling his belt off and dropping it on Calum's face before shuffling out off his jeans. "Happy?"

"Are you ever going to tell me why?" Calum whispered. He was facing away from Michael now.  The alarm clock was right in front of him and the red lights read 2:35am. He knew Michael was still awake. He tended to question whether Michael was secretly a vampire on a daily basis as he was always the last asleep and first up. Come to think of it, Calum had never seen Michael asleep. He felt Michael's arm tense at the question from it's resting place of around Calum's torso.
"You know everything about me, Mike," Calum whispered. He wanted so desperately to turn around and see Michael's face. He'd learned that Michael found it very hard to lie when maintaining eye contact. "Even the embarrassing stuff."
"Like when your sister caught you wanking," Michael said. Calum could feel his lips twitching upwards from where they were at the base of his neck.
"You know all my stupid crushes and hook ups, and what I eat for breakfast. I don't even know what you eat in the morning, Mike!" Calum said, he could feel himself getting annoyed but kept his voice low as Michael's mum was in the next room and she had to get up for work early.
"I don't eat breakfast, Cal."
"See! I didn't know that. That's something I should know," Calum mumbled, blindly reaching his hand up until it grasped Michael's arm.
"Well you know now," Michael sleepily chucked as he pulled Calum closer.
"Michael," Calum sighed.
"Just tell me one thing, one thing you haven't told anyone before."

Calum finally managed to get Michael to release his death grip on him and turn around to face the boy. His eyes were mostly closed and Calum knew that he was fighting to stay awake.
"Like what?" Michael whispered, pulling Calum back into his chest and resting his head on top of the boys.
"How old were you when you lost your virginity?"
"Something else."
"I know you have, Mike."
"Something else," Michael said, a little more sternly than last time. He was so tired after stupidly pulling an all nighter the previous night and wanted nothing more than for Calum to shut up and go to sleep so that he could as well.
"How old were you the first time you did anything remotely sexual with someone?" Calum whispered and looked up at Michael. He knew he was pushing the boundaries but Michael was so tired he didn't even think before answering.

As soon as the number slipped out of his mouth Michael was out like a light. Calum listened to the boys heart rate declining as he stared up at his closed eyes. Six? As in six years old? His mind was buzzing with questions in it's confused state and he wanted nothing more than to wake Michael up and give him some context. He must have meant sixteen, that sounds more like it. Calum's thought were all jumbled up at this point. He must have been so tired that he fell asleep before finishing the number. That has to be it. Calum didn't know how long he had been awake trying to reason with himself that maybe Michael said that as a joke for him to get off his case? He could hardly tell when Michael was being sarcastic these days so he chose not to question it any more tonight and find some way to ask Michael in the morning.

Hihihi. Clarification: Michael and Calum have a really close friendship at the moment, they're basically fluff central, but the whole relationship stuff will slowly weed it's way in and it probably won't be for a while.

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