Chapter 8: Your cuddling technique is really bad

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Could be triggering.

"Do you still smoke?" Luke asked, interrupting the stillness and silence of the room. They were both laid next to each other now, staring up at the ceiling. Neither of them had made a move to huddle closer to each other and Michael was glad of that. The first time they'd had sex Luke wouldn't stop clinging onto him, but by the morning he disappeared with a small "Goodbye," and wouldn't so much as look Michael's way.
"No," Michael muttered. He was trying to keep his eyelids from closing, they felt like 100lb weights.
"Why not?" Luke questioned and Michael halted his tongue from telling Luke to shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business.
"Calum made me a power point presentation on the risks of lung cancer," Michael said, letting his eyes close "Not a lot of people want to kiss you when your tongue tastes like ash."
"I wanted to kiss you," Luke mumbled. Michael chose not to respond to that, instead he reached out his hand until Luke got the hint and interlocked their fingers together.
"I saw your covers on Youtube," Michael said.
"You've got talent, Hemmings," Luke smiled at that and squeezed Michaels hand as a silent thank you.

"Do you still smoke?" Michael asked a minute later.
Luke shook his head and said "No," he would have presumed that Michael was fast asleep if it wasn't for his thumb tracing little patterns on Luke's bony hand. "I only smoked because you did."
"That's fucking stupid," Michael whispered "You should never do something to make yourself seem cool or just because someone else is doing it."
"I know."
"Do you?" Michael asked, tugging on Luke's hand slightly.

Luke sat up on the bed suddenly, which caused Michael to open his eyes, and straddled his waist. Their flaccid cocks were rubbing against each other but neither of them said anything about it. Michael didn't even feel aroused at the familiar feeling. Luke dropped his head to Michael's neck and pressed his lips to a spot that he had marked earlier. The skin was already fading to brown but he didn't care. If anything, Michael would be happy that this encounter would soon have faded from his body and forgotten about. He couldn't help but hiss when he felt Luke's teeth graze over the mark.

Luke's hands slowly slid down Michael's chest, he leant down and kissed every mark, scar and burn that he found littering his torso. Then, he moved onto Michael's biceps and ran his thumb gently across all the jagged white lines that littered it and let his fingertips run over the damaged pigments of his skin where he'd watch Michael press his cigarettes against his forearm to put them out instead of stepping on them like everyone else. When he reached the deep red scars on his thighs he heard Michael sniffle, but he didn't look up at him. He shuffled further down him so that he was perched on Michael's knees and was at the right angle to duck his head down and swipe the tip of his tongue against each of the red lines. Michael had to grit his teeth as some still stung from the ripeness.

Luke looked up at Michael then. His hands were covering his face and Luke could only just make out the shaking of his shoulders. "Don't do that," Luke pleaded, reaching forward and loosely grabbing Michael's wrists, managing to easily prise them off his face. His eyes were only a little red and shiny because Michael was willing himself not to cry. "Everything about you is beautiful," Luke whispered, leaning forward and pressing his lips against Michael's. Neither of them moved, and Luke's lips were so gentle that it was hard to tell if they were even kissing.

When they finally pulled away from what felt like hours, Michael grabbed Luke's arms and forced him onto his chest. He didn't cry and Luke didn't protest. "Your cuddling technique is really bad," Luke mumbled into Michael's shoulder.
"Shut up, Luke. We're having a moment."
"I'm just saying," Luke said, shrugging his shoulder "I mean, as much as I appreciate being squished onto your chest, I don't appreciate my dick feeling like it's about to snap in two." Michael pressed a smile to Luke's neck and squeezed him tighter which emitted a groan out of him.

"Michael?" Michael's head snapped to the doorway at the mention of his name. Luke gulped before turning his head too.
"Oh. Hi Mrs Clifford," Luke said, trying his best to sound friendly but making no attempt at moving off of her son or grabbing the duvet and throwing it on them.
"I-I-I-what are you doing?"
"We're starting a band."

Michael was confused as to why his mum didn't say anything and instead left the room and closed the door. He let go of Luke so that he was back in a seating position on Michael's waist and cupped his cheeks "You're pretty," he said before Luke flashed him a boss eyed face.
"Are we actually starting a band?" Luke asked. Michael smiled up at him and moved some of his fallen fringe from out of his eyes.
"I'm pretty pro at guitar," Michael said, absent mindedly shrugging like it was no big deal when it was in fact an over statement. Michael could barely manage playing three notes at a time.
"Me too."
"I know, you numpty," Michael said, flicking Luke's nose and watching it scrunch up not a moment later. "I'm teaching Calum how to play guitar too."
"So you're expecting for us to be a band of three guitar players?"
"I think it would work."
"I think you're an idiot," Luke mumbled and smiled innocently at Michael's narrowed eyes. "Also I'm pretty sure your mum is stood outside."

Michael hummed and looked over at his door. He could see the faint outline of a pair of feet. "I'm in some deep shit," Michael huffed and tapped Luke's bum to let him know to get off.
"Do you want me to stay?" Luke asked, standing up and hunting down his clothes "Fuck, where's my shirt?"
Michael shook his head and handed his Iron Maiden shirt over "Here," he said, before squeezing his legs into his jeans that he regrets buying a size smaller for their more 'punk rock' appeal. "It's probably best if you don't, and I wouldn't want to put you through a Karen lecture," Michael said, wrapping an arm around Luke's shoulder and dragging him to the door. He shot a pleading look at Luke before he opened the door to his mothers shocked face.

Oopsies. But yay, the band thing's happening, just two years after it actually did, which means that Ashton will either be in the next chappie or the one after that!

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