Chapter 11 *: He gave me magical herbs

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Ashton parked up on the field and all five of the boys hopped out of the van. Michael, Calum and Luke thanked them for the ride and wandered around in search for a spot to set their stuff up at. Luke ended up in the middle of the other two and was forced to link arms with them because he wasn't trusted to roam about on his own. They ended up in the middle of a tie-dyed tent, that Luke liked the look of, and a neon pink tent as Calum thought that it'd be easy to find their boring green tent in the middle of the brightly coloured ones even if they were piss drunk or high as a kite.

The tent was up in a matter of minutes and Luke felt the urge to congratulate Michael and Calum on their 'tent skills' but he decided that all it would probably warrant is a punch in the balls, so he decided against it. "Panic! at the Disco's on soon," Calum muttered, digging through his bag for a blanket they could use "Metallica's headlining tomorrow."
"Luke," Michael said, looking around until he made eye contact with the boy "Eat something, drink something and take a piss now," He said, picking up a bottle of water and throwing it at him "You might not get a chance later."
"How long do the days usually last? Like, what happens?" Luke asked, unscrewing the lid and taking a small sip.
"Well," Michael started "Cal and I usually set up our blankets with the rest of the people at the back," He said, motioning behind him where he could just about see a crowd forming around a stage, "Then, we drink some beer, talk to some strangers, take fuck loads of pictures, get wasted or high or both, then drag ourselves back to the tent when we can't handle it any more," He shrugged, helping Calum sort some of their stuff out.
"Oh, okay," Luke quietly said.
"What do you want to do, Luke?" Calum asked, finally standing up and throwing a bag on his back, that Luke presumed was filled with necessities.
"I just want to have fun."

Luke was baked. It was nearing 5pm and he was sprawled out on top of a strangers lap with a joint hanging out of his mouth. "How do you feel, Luke?" He could only just make the voice out as he turned his head to the side and saw Michael sat next to him with a big dopey grin on his face.
"Fantastic," Luke said, looking up at the sky, "I feel fabulous and free," he felt the joint being taken out of his mouth and wedged back in between his lips a moment later, "Fuck," He sighed, "This is fucking amazing."

"Oh no, what's he on?" Calum asked, sitting down next to Michael. Luke turned his head again, which caused him to furrow his eyebrows because where the fuck did Calum come from?
"Relax, it's just weed," The stranger shrugged.
"And who might you be?" Calum asked.
"This is Jack," Michael said.
"Oh and you're being Jack's voice?" Calum said whilst pulling the joint from Luke's mouth and finishing it himself.
"He can be whatever he wants to be," Jack shrugged, running a hand through Luke's once quiffed hair. Calum couldn't help but wonder how many times he'd done that as Luke's hair was now lying flat against his forehead.

"Holy fuck!" Michael looked up and squinted at the sun, "Fancy seeing you guys here!" When the holder of a far-too-enthusiastic voice sat down, he was immediately recognised.
"Ash!" Michael said, tackling him in a side hug.
"Nice to see you too," Ash said, wrapping his arms around Michael's torso and pulling him down on his side so that they were laying down together, "I didn't know you knew Jack."
"We don't," Calum said, lifting up a beer to his lips.
"He gave me magical herbs," Luke said, smiling. He was alone now, Jack had somehow disappeared.
"Weed," Michael clarified when Ashton looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed together.
"That makes sense."

They'd probably spoken for an hour before Alex walked over to them, cheeks flushed, hair messy and missing a shirt. He dropped a bag of colourful pills onto Ashton's chest and said "With compliments," whilst waving to Michael and Calum. Luke was asleep.
Ashton smiled up at him "Anyone want a hit?"
"Is that even a question?" Calum asked, already reaching his hand out as Ashton filled it with several of the bright blue and red pills.
"Michael?" He asked, Ashton was sat up now but Michael's head was in his lap, facing upwards at him. Instead of replying he opened his mouth and Ashton placed a couple of them in. Michael's tongue sucked Ashton's fingers as he drew his hand away. He smiled down at the boy and he took a few of the pills himself and handed the bag back to Alex.
"Have fun tripping balls," Alex said, with a salute, as he walked away.

The pills kicked in fast and Calum suggested that they should help him carry Luke back to the tent before they forget. Ashton threw him over his shoulder and Michael and Calum were pleased that Luke took an interest in a tent that was one-of-a-kind so that they could easily locate it. Calum was still carrying their stuff so he threw it into a corner and set a blanket out for Ashton to lie Luke on. "You weren't kidding about this being his first festival," Ashton chucked as he glanced back at Michael.
"He'll be better tomorrow," Michael shrugged, taking Ashton's hand and pulling him so that they were both kneeled in front of each other.

Calum was too busy checking Luke's breathing and making sure that there was a unopened bottle of water next to him for when he wakes up than to notice when Ashton cupped the sides of Michael's face and roughly pressed their lips together. He was pretty out of it. He laid down next to Luke and could feel the blood rushing through his veins as he tightly shut his eyes so much that he could see stars.

Ashton broke their kiss to pull off his and Michaels shirts and throw them to the side. Michael reached into Ashton's shorts to grab his cock, he couldn't tell if it was his hand or Ash's dick throbbing or which one felt like they were burning hot in the palm of his hand, but he could feel a small drop of pre cum dripping down his hand so he started building up a steady rhythm as Ashton grabbed hold of his neck and licked his way into Michael's mouth.

Ashton pulled away first and smirked at the line of saliva that was still connecting their mouths. He pushed Michael backwards and pulled down both of their shorts. In Michael's mind, colours seemed brighter. He was thinking about how the tent was a glowing lime, but from where he was laid everything seemed so dark and shadowy. He looked over at Calum, who's eyes were tightly closed and Michael knew he wasn't asleep. He was so out of it that he didn't know how much time had passed or if Ashton had even prepared him before slamming his cock inside of him. All he knew was that it felt so fucking good to feel this fucking full.

When Calum opened his eyes he was welcomed with the sight of his best friend getting pounded into. Michael's head was tilted back, he was aching to reach forward and touch his neglected cock but he presumed that it was just the drugs talking. Ashton's hands were firmly gripped around Michael's neck so much that the lack of oxygen Michael was receiving made him feel so much lighter. When Calum saw Ashton's face tensing and his harsh thrusts picking up speed, he reached his hand out and grabbed Michael's hand and threaded their fingers together.

Michael looked over in Calum's direction until he could locate his eyes. They were laid next to each other now and Ashton had released his grip on Michael' neck and had one hand tangling it's way through Calum's hair. The boy looked so vulnerable but he made no attempt at moving away. He chose to blame the drugs in the end as he reached forward and grabbed Michael's dick in his hand. The veins felt more prominent as he furiously stroked Michael through his orgasm, maintaining eye contact the entire time.

When Michael and Ashton came, Ashton rolled off of him and wiped his sweaty fringe out of his face. Calum wiped Michael's cum off of his hand and onto Luke's blanket, he'd think of a way to explain it later. He held his arms out for Michael to snuggle into - which he did. Calum kept telling himself that he could just blame the drugs, but in reality he knew that he'd shoved them in his jacket pocket. He knew that he'd never took them. He knew how badly he wanted to be the cause of the small whines that Michael was making.

When the morning arrived Calum was being shook awake by a hungover Luke, wearing sunglasses inside the damn tent, "Did you guys fuck?"
"What? Of course not," Calum grumbled.
"Then why is Michael naked?" Luke asked, Calum looked over at the boy who was still in Calum's arms. He ran a thumb across a couple of the white lines that adorned Michael's bicep that he'd never seen before.
"Maybe he was too hot," Calum said, sitting up and finding no trace of Ashton.
"Please shut the fuck up," Michael grumbled.
Both of the boys looked down at him before Luke picked up his blanket and dropped it on Michael with an exclamation of "Is that cum?" Calum tried his best at innocently shrugging his shoulders where as Luke only sighed. "Fuck this, I'm going to find Jack."
"Do you need me to come with you?" Calum asked, but Luke shook his head.
"Wake up your boyfriend," He grumbled before storming off.

So, we've had some Muke and some Mashton. It's kind of ironic when this is a Malum story. Anyways, we did get some form of Malum action, I mean a handjob isn't something you give your best friend any day.

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