Chapter 13: So what brings a seventeen year old to a drugs fest?

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I feel like I was neglecting Luke, so this is basically what he did when Michael went off to watch Metallica with Ash+Cal.

Luke sighed as he watched Michael's red head disappear into the crowd. He turned to the guy next to him once he heard a match being lit and watched as the first puff of smoke entered the atmosphere. He waited until Brad -or fuck, Todd? Maybe it was James, inhaled and sat down cross legged in front of him. He grabbed his neck and connected their lips in an opened mouth kiss so that the second hand smoke clouded his lungs. When he pulled away the guy was smirking at him. He exhaled through the corner of his lips and smiled at the boy. "How old are you?" The boy asked and Luke considered giving him a fake age.
"Seventeen," But he decided against it. And by the looks of the way the guy pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth as he smiled at Luke, made him sort of glad he didn't.
"So what brings a seventeen year old to a drugs fest?"
"My friends," He said, looking over to the stage but he couldn't see them, which made him sigh and drop his gaze to his lap. "They're somewhere over there."
"Lucky you've got me for company," He said and hooked a finger under Luke's chin, forcing him to look up "Aren't you?" Luke gulped and nodded his head. This guy just screamed creep, and he really wished his fucking friends hadn't ditched him.

Luke made a quick excuse about needing to piss and stumbled off in the opposite direction of the porter-potties, not caring if the guy realised or not. He was probably too high to notice. He fished out the camera that they bought with them from his pocket and decided to take photos of something. He ended up taking pictures of everything. From the way the sky was a pure blue to the used condom he almost stepped on. He spotted Michael's hair and so he covertly zoomed in on him and snapped a few pictures of him and Ashton snuggled up and couldn't help but get a few close ups of Calum smoking because fuck, his jawline looked incredible. He asked a few kind strangers to take his picture in front of things, and managed to collect two unused spliffs and at least twelve pills. He was going to ask if Michael or Calum knew what they were before he dared to take them though.

After an hour or so he found himself walking in the direction of their tent, so he downed a bottle of water and ate half of a Mars bar before going anywhere else. The festival was so enormous that he hadn't even explored a good half of it and he knew that they'd be leaving in the early hours of the morning so he decided he was going to do exactly that.

The first place he hit was the rides area. Why there was a need for a music festival to have rides he'd never know, but he joined the queue for the ferris wheel and wondered who he was going to be partnered with. A minute later he found himself sat next to a girl with dark skin and pink candy floss hair who introduced herself as Chrissy. She wasn't very talkative but Luke didn't mind, he was too busy grinning at how tiny all the people looked from his position and how they all looked more like paint blobs than human beings. He took a few pictures of that too.

He closed his eyes on the way down but still had a wide open-mouthed grin on his face that dried up all the saliva in his mouth. The day was warm but the wind from the movement was freezing and it felt like needles were forcing their way into his skin. Luke loved it.

Luke was once quoted by Calum saying "I hate Mumford and Sons with a burning passion," but for some reason it didn't stop him blending into the crowd and dancing along to the set. Okay, maybe he thought 'fuck it' and took a few of the pills he found. He wasn't singing along with the rest of the crowd but he felt amazing. In Luke's mind, he felt himself merging with everyone else, he felt the vibrations from the energy of the crowd radiating onto him and pumping his veins with pure sugar because he was buzzing so much.

It wasn't until the encore that Calum was gripping onto his bony shoulder and dragging him out of the crowd. "Time to go," Calum said, wrapping his arm around Luke'd waist and dragging him along. As soon as the music in the background became more distant, and Luke could finally hear Calum clearly, he felt like his soul had been drained from his body and sucked back into the crowd. He could feel his legs wobbling and he couldn't help but fall limp in Calum's arms. "Shit," Calum muttered, gripping onto Luke tightly so that he wouldn't fall onto the ground. "You need food," he decided, carefully wrapping Luke's arms around his shoulders and resting Luke's chest against his back. "Luke, I need you to jump, okay?" Calum asked as Luke indecisively mumbled in return.

The first few attempts were failures and caused Calum to growl in frustration. "Luke, you need to concentrate," Calum said, gripping onto Luke's thighs and managing to lift them off the ground slightly. When Luke finally managed to crawl up Calum's back, Calum was sure to speed walk to Ashton's van, where all of their stuff was thrown precariously in the back. Michael helped to sit Luke up in the van before he jumped into the front with Ashton.
"Is he okay?" Ashton asked, turning back and watching Calum trying to get Luke to eat a damn sandwich.
"He will be," Calum said, not looking away from Luke's drooping eyes.

Michael glanced out the window and saw Jack and Alex heavily making out on what he presumed was Jack's car. There was a couple of guys stood next to them with their arms folded and looking rather impatient. Alex waved goodbye to them as he walked up to Ashton's van and Jumped in the back, slamming the door shut in the process, which caused the whole vehicle to shake. "Fuck," Alex said, "Is he good?"
"Yeah," Calum said. Luke was now completely out of it and was laying head first in Calum's lap.
"Everyone ready?" Ashton asked, turning on the engine and pulling out of his spot before anyone had a chance to respond. He looked over at Michael and smiled before switching on the radio.

P.s. Don't worry, Luke isn't dying or anything. He's just very warn out.

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