Chapter 10: Shut the fuck up Luke, you're using Google maps

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This chapter seems a bit rushed so sorry if it sucks.

The kiss was forgotten as soon as it happened and Calum decided not to mention Mr Richards. He felt awful for forcing Michael to tell him about something that seriously fucked him up as a child, and he didn't want to be the cause for some war flashbacks. He wasn't even sure if Michael remembered anything from that night as he woke up complaining and asking "Why the fuck are we outside? It's too bright! I bet this was your fucking idea, Cal."

As of now Michael, Calum and Luke were hunched together on Michael's bed because his mum was working the day shift so there would be no interruptions from her. "Why do I have to play the damn bass?" Calum grumbled for about the hundredth time.
"Because Luke's the talented one here and he said so."
"This isn't Simon fucking says, Mike."
"No, it's Luke says," Michael said, reaching his arm out and pushing Calum off the bed.
"Real mature, Clifford," He huffed, standing up and grabbing the bass that Luke had bought along. "How do I even play this?"
"You'll learn," Luke said, shrugging.
"A band with two ruggedly handsome guitar players is enough," Michael said, patting Calum's shoulder and receiving a scoff in return.

Two hours and one visit from a very annoyed neighbour later, the boys put down their instruments and laid on top of each other in the single bed. "I'm not loving this," Calum sighed, trying to move into a more comfortable position but failing.
"Calum, every time you move you are literally grinding on my penis," Luke said from beneath him.
"Ew," Calum said, rolling off of him and on to the floor.
"I wouldn't mind grinding on to your penis," Michael said, wiggling his eyes at Luke. Now that Calum was laying grossed out on the floor they were both able to lay next to each other.
"You're disgusting," Calum complained and scrunched up his nose in distaste. Michael wanted to kiss his nose.
"I wouldn't hate that," Luke said, smiling at Michael, and holding his arms out as a signal for Michael to crawl into them.
"Band hug!" Michael announced, waving his arm around behind him until it came into contact with Calum's hair. "Get up here you twat."
"Fuck off."
"Come on, Cal, don't be like that," Luke said, peering over Michael's head to see that Calum was sat cross legged on the floor looking over at them. "There's plenty of room for one more."
"Calum's too hetero for this shit," Michael mumbled, tightening his grip around Luke's torso. Calum didn't respond.

"We have no time for cuddling anyway," Calum said, pulling himself up from the ground by the bed frame "Were supposed to be at the train station in like an hour."
"Yeah but everyone's packed," Michael said, motioning to the three bag packs piled up in the corner of his room.
"It's a half hour walk though," Calum said, standing up and grabbing bag. "And I know you two will dawdle."
"But I'm so comfy," Luke complained, pulling Michael closer to him.
"Do you want to go to the festival or nah?" Michael asked, untangling himself from Luke's clutches and stretching.
"I do."
"Well, come on then!"

Ever since they were fifteen Calum and Michael attended a huge music festival in Leeds. The tickets always costed a bomb so they would spend their summers at Maccies flipping burgers and getting burnt from the grease to save up. It would be their third consecutive year attending and this time they invited Luke to tag along. He bought the ticket the day after he'd agreed which led them into thinking he had some rich parents he was hiding from them. He probably did.

"I hate walking," Luke decided after five minutes.
"How can walking be such a chore for you? Your legs are like 8ft," Calum complained, rolling his eyes.
"They're not my legs, Cal."
"What so now you have multiple dicks?" Michael questioned, which caused a smile from Luke.
"The guys love it."
"You're so annoying," Calum grumbled, bumping his shoulder with Luke's, who almost toppled over due to the unexpected contact.
"And you're a dick."

The train journey was anything but spectacular. They'd managed to grab a four seater around a table. Michael had wedged into the corner seat and dragged Calum down next to him, leaving a pouting Luke to sit across from them. Michael and Calum had shared headphones and were listing to Sticky Fingers together whilst Luke was kicking them under the table and then acting like he didn't do anything. Ten minutes into the trip Calum had to deal with a sleeping Clifford on his shoulder and sighed as he wrapped his arm around his waist and dropped his head on top of his.

When they finally reached Leeds Railway Station they had to deal with a grumpy Michael as his nap was cut short, not to mention a hyper Luke as he'd never been to a city like this before and was finding it hard to navigate his way through the large crowds of people rushing in every direction. Michael ended up linking their hands together so that he didn't wander off, and trailing closely behind Calum as they made their way to the bus stop.

"This is incredible," Luke breathed out when they had finally made it to the bus station. "Don't you think?" He asked, looking towards Calum and Michael who were staring at him like he'd lost the plot. He stood up from the rusty blue bench the three of them were perched on and held his hands out at his sides as he spun around.
"Luke!" Michael shouted, standing up and striding towards him "We're not even there yet!"
"I'm just so fucking happy," Luke smiled, taking both of the boys cheeks in his hands and pressing an over exaggerated kiss onto his lips.
"You don't get out much, do you?" Calum asked from behind them. "Bus is here."

"Why are we getting off here?" Luke asks, following Michael and Calum down the steps of the bus and thanking the driver on his way out "According to my GPS we're still ten miles away."
"Shut the fuck up Luke, you're using Google maps," Michael sighed "And you should trust us we've already done this twice before, we know what we're doing."
"We're on the side of a road," Luke complains, "There is no pavement! Only grass."
"Please shut up," Calum says, gripping Luke's bicep and dragging his arm towards him. "Stick your thumb up," Calum orders.
"Hitch hiking is illegal, Cal," Luke says, raising his eyebrows at the boy.
"So is murder but I'm willing to risk the prison time," Calum sighed "Just stick your damn thumb out."
"Why me?"
"Because you're the cutest out of us," Michael shrugs because he knows that now Luke will feel inclined to stick his thumb out. If he was dependent on cuteness he would have made Calum do it.
"True," Luke shrugs, "How long does this usually take?"
"Depends," Calum says, wrapping his arm around Michael's shoulders as they slowly start walking.
"We might never get picked up."

Just as Luke said that, a yellow van pulled up at the side of the three boys. The windows were wound down so Michael walked up to the window and had to stand on his tip toes to look inside. There were two guys sat inside, the driver had curly hair and his dimples were prominent when he smiled at Michael. The other had short navy blue hair and Michael wished that he was punk rock enough to dye his hair that colour. "Are you guys off to Leeds fest?" Curly asked and Michael flashed his sweetest smile and nodded. "The back's open."

"Come on," Michael said, turning to the other guys. He and Calum walked round the back and opened up one of the doors "Luke, it's okay, you're not going to get murdered," Michael said once he'd noticed that Luke hadn't shifted from his spot. He sighed and held his hand out, which Luke hesitantly took, and they all clambered into the back and slammed the door shut.
"Right, introductions," The blue haired guy said "I'm Alex, this bastard here is Ashton."
"Hi," Ashton said, starting up the engine and set off driving.
"I'm Michael, this one's Calum," He said, motioning over to him as he held a hand up in a sort of greeting, "And this is Luke," Luke just smiled up at Alex, "It's his first festival so he's a little nervous-ow!" Michael yelped, rubbing his hand over where Luke hit him even though it didn't hurt.
"It's cool, we don't bite," Alex said, leaning forward and turning the radio on to Palaye Royale.
"Unless you want us to," Ashton piped up.
"Nah I'm good," Luke said "Only Mikes into that," Luke said, dodging the kick that Michael swung at him, and choosing to ignore the smirk that Ashton gave to Michael.

Ashton! Woo! I canny wait to write the next chapter and you'll know why soon! :D

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