As Takashi and Rei were now separated from them, the rest of the group were now on the bus driving away to find another route to the East Police Station. Inside of the bus, Kagari could be seen, clenching his fists in irritation.
Kagari: Damn it.
Kagari's Thoughts: If Shido didn't get on the bus, none of that would've had to happen.
A hand could be felt over Kagari's fist as he turned around to see that it was Saeko.
Saeko: It's going to be okay. Komuro and Miyamoto will be fine. We'll meet up with them as soon as we can, but let's focus on them for now.
Kagar turned his head to see Tsunoda and Kurokami helping Shido get back on his feet as he was still in pain from the gunshot to his leg.
Kagari: *Sighs* Alright.
Kagari leaned in and whispered in Saeko's ear.
Kagari: But we need to keep an eye on Shido in case he tries something again...
Saeko: Of course. But I don't believe you should go anywhere near him. Since you're the only one with a firearm, they may try to steal it.
Kagari: I do have another one. But I understand what you mean.
Kagari: I'm not sure about a few of the others either... we should keep an eye on them as well.
Saeko nodded as she sat down in a seat and beckoned Kagari to join her.
Saeko: Come on. The farther away from Shido you are, the better.
Kagari didn't respond and simply sat down in the seat next to her, putting on the safety to his gun before hiding it. He then looked out of the window as the sunset was coming to an end.
Kagari: It's going to be dark very soon...
Saeko: Yes. We've survived the first day.
Kagari: It makes me wonder how long all of this is going to last.
He then thought of Rei and Takashi. The relationship between the two of them has been... rocky to say the least ever since their break up. And now, the two of them were both out there together.
Kagari's Thoughts: Takashi, Rei... please be safe while you're both out there.
Nightfall, Tokunosu City
Night has now fallen over Tokunosu City. It was around 11:45 PM as the bus was eventually caught in a large traffic jam, slowing down their progress to the bridge.
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Hisashi: We're not going anywhere anytime soon...
Saeko: If we move any slower, we'll be going in reverse.
Saya: At this rate, I'm not sure if we can cross the bridge before dawn.