Chapter 8: Saving A Soul From The Dead

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Outside, a shotgun could be heard nearby the apartment as the girls were sleeping in the living room. Kagari, Takashi, Hisashi, and Kohta were standing on the balcony of the apartment as they saw the horde of undead below them.

Takashi's Thoughts: Their hunger. It never ended. They never ended....

Later. Due to the sound of gunshots, Saeko came upstairs to the balcony. Just in time to witness the man responsible for the gunshots being devoured by the undead.

Saeko: It's worse. It's getting much worse.

Hishashi: This is nothing but apocalyptic.

Takashi: Damn it. That's it, I can't stand it!

Kohta: Komuro!

Takashi: Yeah, what?!

Kohta: You shoot them, but then what?!

Takashi: Isn't it obvious?! I'll shoot them and protect-

Kagari: No, Takashi. You'll only end up getting yourself killed if you go down there now.

Takashi: What...? What do you mean?!

Saeko: Did you forget? They react to every little sound, Komuro.

Saeko walked back inside and turned the lights to the room off.

Saeko: And as for the living...

Saeko: They just swarm around like bugs, looking for the light, and for us

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Saeko: They just swarm around like bugs, looking for the light, and for us. We need to stay in the dark.

Kagari: We can't save everyone that we come across, Takashi.

He handed Takashi the binoculars.

Kagari: I'm sorry, but you're going to have to getting used to this. Having a strong sense of justice isn't going to be enough to survive anymore.

Takashi: Out of all of us, I thought you two would see things a little differently.

Saeko: Don't misunderstand. We're not being cruel. But this is just the way things are right now.

Kagari: I'll talk with him, Saeko. Just go downstairs and get some rest.

Saeko: Okay, I'll leave him to you. I'm glad you're seeing this the correct way.

Kagari: True. But I still don't like it.

Saeko: Yes, neither do I.

As Saeko goes back downstairs. Kagari pats Takashi on the shoulder as they went back on the balcony.

Kagari: Listen man, I get how you feel. If the situation was different, then I wouldn't stop you. It's not like I like this either.

Kagari: But look down. If you go down there, you'll be killed before you could save anyone. We can only worry about ourselves and the ones we've already saved.

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