Making Amends

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The next day, Blaze woke up feeling the weight of the previous evening's events. Despite her best efforts to put it behind her, the incident with Shadow lingered in her mind. As she prepared for her day, she couldn’t shake the feeling that things were still unsettled.

Later in the morning, Blaze received a call from Shadow. Her heart skipped a beat as she answered, unsure of what to expect.

"Hey, Blaze," Shadow’s voice came through, sounding less intense than it had the night before. "I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I overreacted with the guitar, and I’m really sorry."

Blaze sighed, feeling a mix of relief and lingering hurt. "It’s okay, Shadow. I shouldn’t have played your guitar without asking. I understand if you were upset."

Shadow paused for a moment before speaking again. "Thanks for understanding. I also wanted to remind you about our plan for Saturday. We’re supposed to meet up for lunch. I hope you’re still up for it."

Blaze felt a twinge of curiosity but pushed it aside. "Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. But, is everything okay? You sounded a bit off last night."

Shadow hesitated, then said, "Actually, something came up that I need to take care of. I might have to cancel our lunch plans. I’ll keep you posted, though."

Blaze nodded, trying to mask her disappointment. "Alright, just let me know. Thanks for calling, Shadow."

As Blaze ended the call, she wondered about Shadow's sudden change in plans. She decided to put it out of her mind and focus on her own day.

Later, she ran into Rouge at school, who was in an unusually cheerful mood. Blaze raised an eyebrow. "You seem pretty upbeat today. Everything alright?"

Rouge grinned. "Oh, just dealing with some family drama. But I think it’s all sorted now. By the way, don’t worry about Shadow. He’s handling things."

Blaze appreciated Rouge's attempt to reassure her, though she remained cautious. The day passed in a blur of classes and social interactions, but she found herself looking forward to her weekend plans with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

That evening, as Blaze sat down for dinner with her family, she recounted her day, excluding the phone call with Shadow. Jennifer and Silver listened attentively, offering their support and advice about her plans on joining the school music band.

After dinner, Blaze retreated to her room to relax. As she flipped through her phone, she noticed a message from Sonic.

**Sonic: "Hey Blaze, I was thinking about our drive yesterday. It was really nice catching up. Let’s do it again sometime."

Blaze smiled at the message, feeling a sense of reassurance. Sonic’s friendly gesture was a welcome distraction from the tension with Shadow.

As she prepared for bed, Blaze felt a renewed sense of optimism. She had her family, friends, and the promise of new experiences to look forward to. With the weekend approaching, she hoped for a peaceful resolution to the lingering issues and a chance to enjoy the company of those she cared about.

Blaze drifted off to sleep, her mind filled with a mix of hopeful thoughts and cautious optimism.

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