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Amy lay on her bed, her heart still fluttering from the study session with Silver. It had only been a few days since they started getting to know each other, but she felt a connection building. The way he explained things made her feel comfortable, and those fleeting moments of eye contact left her breathless.

Unable to contain her excitement, she grabbed her phone and dialed Rouge's number. The line rang a couple of times before Rouge picked up, her voice bright and curious.

"Hey, Amy! What's up? How did it go?"

Amy couldn't help but giggle. "It went amazing, Rouge! He was so nice and patient. We worked through some problems, and he even said I was getting better!"

Rouge laughed. "Of course he did. You're smart! But come on, spill the tea. Did anything happen?"

Amy's face flushed, and she rolled onto her stomach. "Well... when I looked up, he was already looking at me, and we kind of held eye contact for a bit. It felt... different."

Rouge let out a low whistle. "Sounds like someone's starting to see you in a new light."

"I hope so," Amy said softly. "But I don't want to get ahead of myself. What if he's just being nice?"

"Amy, you're amazing, and anyone would be lucky to be with you," Rouge reassured. "Just remember, Silver has a long line of girls waiting for him. You need to stand out."

Amy smiled, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thanks, Rouge. I needed to hear that."

"Anytime! Now, what's the plan? Are you going to ask him out or wait for him to make a move?"

"I think I'll just see how things go for now. I don't want to rush anything," Amy replied.

"Fair enough. Just don't wait too long!"

Amy laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Rouge."

As she hung up, Amy felt lighter, filled with hope for what might come next.


Meanwhile, in the Miller household, Silver paced back and forth in his room, his mind spinning. He had only known Amy for a few days, but she was unlike anyone he had met. The shy girl, who had just become Blaze and Rouge's best friend, was smart and determined. Today, he had seen a side of her that stirred something within him.

Deciding he needed to talk to someone, he knocked on Blaze's door. She looked up from her book, raising an eyebrow at her older brother's tense expression.

"Hey, Silver. What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost," she teased.

Silver sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Can I talk to you about something serious?"

Blaze set her book aside, a smirk forming. "Oh, this must be good. Spill it."

He sat down, staring at his hands. "It's about Amy."

Blaze's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Amy? The girl who just became your study buddy? This should be interesting."

Silver shot her a glare. "This is serious, Blaze. I don't know how to explain it, but during our study session, I saw her differently. She's smart and funny, and when she looked at me, I felt-" He stopped, his cheeks flushing. "I don't know, something I've never felt before."

Blaze leaned back, crossing her arms with a knowing smile. "Sounds like you're starting to like her. How adorable."

"Stop it," Silver grumbled, unable to hide a smile. "I don't need you teasing me about this."

"I am not teasing you!! It's cute! My big brother, the popular guy, falling for the shy girl. What's next? Are you going to write her a poem?" she teased, leaning closer.

Silver rolled his eyes, but he couldn't suppress a grin. "No poems. Just... I don't want to mess things up. What if she doesn't feel the same way?"

Blaze raised an eyebrow. "You're overthinking it, as usual. Just talk to her. But hey, don't act too cool. Girls like a little sincerity."

"Thanks for the tip, oh wise one," he said sarcastically, though he appreciated her support.

Blaze smirked, her teasing tone softening. "Just be yourself, Silver. If you like her, don't be afraid to show it."

Silver nodded, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nerves. "Yeah. Thanks, Blaze."

"Anytime, Silv. Just remember, if you need help charming her, I'm here," she said, winking.

As Silver left her room, he felt a little more at ease. It was still new and confusing, but maybe, just maybe, there was something between him and Amy worth exploring. And for the first time, he felt ready to find out.


After her conversation with Silver, Blaze felt a surge of excitement and decided to call Rouge. She needed to share what was happening.

"Hey, Blaze! What's up?" Rouge answered, her tone bright.

"Not much, just had a chat with Silver," Blaze said, unable to contain her enthusiasm. "You won't believe it-he's starting to like Amy!"

"Really? That's great!" Rouge replied, her interest piqued. "What did he say?"

"He told me he felt something different during their study session. It's like he's finally waking up to how great she is!" Blaze said, her excitement bubbling over.

"Sounds promising! So, what's the plan? Are you going to help them get together?" Rouge asked.

"I think I'll let them figure it out for now, but I might drop a few hints to Silver. He could use a nudge in the right direction," Blaze said, grinning. "I mean, with all the girls who like him, he really needs to focus on what's special about Amy."

"Just make sure he doesn't mess it up! He needs to realize how special Amy is before he loses her," Rouge cautioned.

"Exactly! I want him to see that," Blaze said, her tone serious. "I'll keep you updated on what happens."

As she hung up, Blaze felt a sense of satisfaction. The connection between Silver and Amy was something she wanted to nurture. It was time for her brother to realize that sometimes the best things come from unexpected places.


As Rouge hung up the phone with Blaze, her mind drifted to the budding connection between Silver and Amy. It was heartwarming to see her best friend and her brother finding their way to each other. Just a few days in, and they were already creating moments that hinted at something more. Silver's kind words and the way he looked at Amy made Rouge hopeful.

Sitting on her bed, she thought about her own brother, Shadow. He had changed since Blaze's return, showing a newfound energy and eagerness she hadn't seen before. But despite this change, he still seemed hesitant to fully pursue the connection he had with Blaze. It frustrated her because she could see how well they clicked and how much they enjoyed each other's company.

Rouge smiled to herself. If she could help facilitate that connection, it might just bring them closer together. Just like Silver was starting to discover how special Amy was, maybe Shadow needed a little nudge to realize what was right in front of him.

"Maybe if I can just get them together for a study session or a group outing," Rouge mused, envisioning the possibilities. If Silver could open his eyes to Amy, perhaps Blaze could finally see Shadow as more than just a friend. She felt a surge of determination. It was time to play matchmaker.

With a plan starting to form, Rouge couldn't help but feel excited for both pairs. The idea of love blossoming in unexpected places filled her with hope.

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