Mixed Feelings

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During lunch at school, Blaze sat with Rouge, Amy, Shadow, Silver, and Knuckles in the bustling cafeteria. The noise of laughter and chatter filled the air as they enjoyed their meals together.

“Did you see Sonic and Sally earlier?” Knuckles asked, nodding toward a nearby table where Sonic and Sally were laughing together.

“Yeah, they seem pretty cozy,” Amy remarked with a teasing smile. “Looks like they’re really making it work. It’s like a romantic comedy over there.”

Rouge rolled her eyes. “More like a slapstick. I give it a week before Sonic does something ridiculous and messes it up.”

“Or trips over his own ego,” Silver chimed in, grinning. “I mean, that guy could trip on air.”

“Hey, at least he has good taste,” Knuckles said with a smirk. “Sally’s way out of his league.”

Blaze listened quietly, her gaze drifting toward Sonic and Sally. 'They look so happy together', she thought, feeling a twinge of discomfort. 'I should be happy for them… but it’s complicated.' She quickly shook it off.

“I hope Sonic knows what he’s doing,” Shadow said, arms crossed, trying to sound casual. He glanced at Blaze, admiring her concentration, but she didn’t notice his gaze.

“Knowing Sonic? Probably not,” Amy replied, chuckling. “He’s still figuring out how to use a fork properly.”

“Or how to not get lost in a straight line,” Rouge added, laughing.

“Hey, he gets points for trying,” Silver said, leaning back. “It’s the effort that counts, right?”

“Right until it turns into a disaster,” Knuckles quipped. “Then it’s just Sonic being Sonic.”

Turning his attention to Rouge, Knuckles added with a wink, “Speaking of effort, how about I show you my impressive fork skills sometime? I promise I won’t trip over my ego.”

Rouge raised an eyebrow, her smile fading slightly. “Knuckles, you know I have a boyfriend, right? I’m not into flirting when I’m taken.”

“Yeah, but what’s the harm in a little fun?” Knuckles said, trying to play it off.

“I take my relationship seriously,” Rouge replied, crossing her arms. “If you’re looking for a challenge, maybe try being a better friend instead.”

“Okay, okay! I get it,” Knuckles said, raising his hands in mock surrender. “No more flirting. I’ll focus on my ‘friendship skills.’”

Blaze chuckled, then chimed in, “Maybe Knuckles should take a class in ‘How to Be a Good Friend 101.’ He could use the extra credit.”

“Hey, I’ll have you know I’m a great friend!” Knuckles protested. “I always share my snacks!”

“Only when you think you can score a compliment in return,” Rouge shot back with a grin, only to see Knuckles rolling his eyes at her.

“Speaking of support, when are we practicing for your audition?” Amy asked, shifting the conversation back to Blaze.

“Oh! Right,” Blaze said, relieved for the change in topic. “Let’s meet at my place right after school. The audition’s next week, and I want to make sure I’m ready.”

“Count me in!” Amy exclaimed. “I’ll bring snacks. You know, to fuel your musical genius.”

“Same here!” Knuckles added. “I’ll bring the pizza. It’ll be our secret weapon.”

“Just make sure it’s not the kind that makes you sluggish,” Rouge teased. “You don’t want to fall asleep mid-practice”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Blaze shot back playfully. “I’ll be sure to eat my weight in salad beforehand.”

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