Chim - Stop Crying Your Heart Out

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' Falling in love with someone can be hard. Love is a mystery, it's like drugs, it can either kill you, or it can give you amazing feelings and the best times ever. It can be pain, or it can be excitement and enjoyable. Love is what you make it. '

Chapter 1

Cheryl's POV:

"Cheryl did you hear me?" Kimberley said abruptly.

"Huh, oh sorry, I was lost in the clouds. What did you say?" I replied, but really, I was staring at the beautiful woman that was sat right in front of me.

"I said I we should head home soon, we've been at this cafe for ages!"

"Oh, yeah, do you need a lift? Nadine, Nicola and Sarah are popping round mine later for some drinks, wanna join?" I quickly said back. Everytime Kimberley spoke I couldn't help but watch her lips, the way that they pouted when she said words with 'O's in, or the way that they stretched when she said words with the letter 'E' in. Her Braford accent was amazing. I can't help but think is it normal that I'm feeling like this about my best friend. Being part of a girl band means you spend so much time together, maybe that was the only logical explination for this.

"Yeah sure, how we will get home? Knowing them 3 they'll be smashed!" Kimberley said back to me, snapping me out of my daze again.

"One of them can sleep on the sofa, the other 2 can go into the guest bedroom, and you can come pile into my bed with me" I replied, poking out my tongue making Kimberley laugh.

"Ehh can't say no to a slumber party can I, so count me in!"


We drove back to my place, Kimberley put the radio on, and on came a song I ever would have imagined would come on. It was that Colbie Caillat song 'Fallin' For You' . This song pretty much defined every feeling I was feeling.

We got back to my place, it was an hour until the other 3 would get here, so I stuck the kettle on.

"Want a brew Kim?"

"Yeah go on then Chez."

We at on the sofa just talking bout regular stuff. All I could think about was the fact that I was getting feelings for Kimberley. I just wanted to kiss her. I was starting into her eyes until she startled me saying,

"Cheryl?... Urm, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure!" My heart pounding through my chest.

"Everytime I'm near you, you daydream alot, like, what's going on with that?" she chuckled.

"C'mon, it's me, I- I daydream all the time" I nervously laughed back. Kimberley just agreed.


The other 3 ad been here for about 3 hours by this point, onto our 4th bottle of vodka. Nicola was wrecked! Nadine was handling her drink, and Sarah was stood on the coffee tabler singing 'Love Machine' but slurring her words. Me and Kimberley were trying to be sensible, but we joined her. By the end of our drinking session Sarah was crashed on the sofa, Nadine slouched in the armchair, sleeping like a baby, Nicola was sprawled out across the bed in the guest bedroom, and me and Kimba were in my bed.

As she turnt around during night facing my back, she breathed heavily on my neck, her warm breathe, sending shivers down my spine. Not the usual shivers, shivers as in sexual shivers. I went into the kitchen, had some paracetamol and went back to bed. I couldn't tell anybody how I was feeling, I have never felt this way about a woman before, let alone my best friend. I decided I was just gonna have to shut my feelings away.

Morning came, I was awoken by Kimberley's phone going off, she woke up groaning and moning answering the phone.

"Hilary, Hi!"

I could hear Hilary throuhg the phone, she was mad about something! But what? Then Kimberley woke everyone up! She screamed so loud!

"SH!T!!!" she scearmed, waking everyone up.

"What?" I said to her.

"We're late for the video shoot for Something New!" Kimberley was running around getting everyone to get up and get dressed. She's usully the more organised of the band, but she ended up putting her heels on the wrong feet. With our hangovers we all piled into the car Hilary had sent round to pick us up.

We were at the video shoot, I had my make up and costume done, Nadine, Sarah and Nic were still in the dressing rooms, I was watching Kimberley do her dancing in front of the camera's. I couldn't hel but stare, the trousers and top really complimented her curves, her smile to the camera was incredible. Her make up looking gorgeous as always, not that she needed it, she had natural beauty.

She looked over seeing me gawking at her, I started blushing, then she pulled a really concerned face... was she catching on?

Kimberley's POV:

I just finished doing my shots for the day, my head was killing from all the head bangs and hair flicks. As I went over to talk to Cheryl she seemed really nervous, this wasn't like her. Something was wrong but she wouldn't tell me.

Justin, a man who worked at the studios came up to me.

"Kimberley isn't it? I'm Justin" he quickly asked.

"Yeah, nice to meet you Justin" I replied, shaking hands with him. We were talking for what seemed like 5 minutes, but it was actually 1 hour. Nicola came over telling me to get a move on.

"Urm... would you like to go out on Sunday, round 6ish?" Justing nervously asked.

"Um, yeah sure, why not!"

Cheryl, Nadine and Sarah came walking over.

"Ooo what's going on here then?" Sarah asked with a cheeky grin on her face!

"JUSTIN ASKE HER OUT!!" Nicola shouted, sounding more excited than me!

The 4 girls congratulated me, but Cheryl seemed really down about something. This wasn't like her. I've never known her to not be happy when I've gotten a date, she's usually the first person to come round and make sure I'm ready, and to be all excited like a teenager.

That night Cheryl phoned me.

"Hi Chez, you alright?"

"Hiya pet, aye not to bad, you? Congratulations on your date with Justin. When is it?"

"I'm good ta, and Sunday, he won't say where he's taking me though."

"Aw bless, well hope you have fun. Kimberley..-"

"- Oh I will!" I said interupting her, then I realised I had cut in "Sorry, what was you gonna say?"

"Eh, is nothing, don't worry, speak to you later" Then she hung up really quickly. I decided to text her, I wanted to know what was going on.

Me: "Cheryl what on earth is going on bbe? Xx" She text back almost instantly.

Cheryl: "I just dnt wanna see u get hurt. all ur other dates were pr!cks no offence xx"

Me: "I'll be fine bbe, i'm not gonna fet hurt xx"

It delivered, but she didn't write back. Somthing was wrong, and I know it was something big, just what though. We're bestfriends, she tells me everything, so what could be so big that she can't tell me? That question circled my mind for the rest of the day, I was so worried about her.

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