Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Kimberley's POV:

None of us could control our excitement as we all had a group hug, full of laughter, joy, happiness and happy tears. Our luck was finally changing, and me and Cheryl were gonna have a baby. If someone had told us at the beginning of the relationship that we'd be happily married and expecting our first child, I think we both would have laughd in their faces. But look at us now! It was insane, we'd been together nearly 2 years, and already starting out future. Not that I was complaining, I only wanted my future to be with Cheryl. She was the love of my life, my heart and soul, my everything. Everything I could ask for. I was married to the nation's sweetheart. She was my sweetheart. Cheryl was my whole heart, and nothing at all would change that.

Knowing me and Cheryl were gonna have a baby, really didn't scare me, just made me excited for what the future holds for us.

"Let's celebrate!" Sarah cheered after we all finally broke away from the long group hug.

"Yeaah!! Woo woo!" Nicola screamed.

"Ok but no alcohol!" Cheryl jumped in.

"Why?!" Sarah shouted

"Sarah, it may have escaped your mind that Cheryl is pregnant? And that she can't drink alcohol, so it wouldn't be fair if we all are and she isn't"

"Fine" sarah agreed with Nadine.

"What we gonna do then?" Nic asked.

"Go for a meal?" I said

Everyone agreed. And we all agreed to meet at mine and Cheryl's at 7 pm so we could get to the restaurant in time for our reservations.

Before me and Cheryl started getting ready we sat in the kitchen having a cuppa talking about it all.

"Babe, we're gonna be parents" she smiled, wtih a special glint in her eye. Like a whole new type of twinkler. A "mummy" twinkle.

"I know" I said, putting my hands on her waist, pulling her closer to me, placing a kiss on her lips.

"You do realize the fans are gonna be going crazy on Twitter right now?"

"Why?" I asked

"Well, they knew we were taking the test today, and they're gonna wanna know if it was positive or negative"

"Should we tell them?"

"I don't know...maybe tomorrow?"

"Sounds good to me" I smiled back.

"Right, I'm gonna take a quick shower" I said giving Cheryl a kiss on the lips.

"Ok, same"


As usual, I was out of the shower before Cheryl. So I went to go get ready for tonight, I wanted to look stunning. I picked out a yellow one shouldered dress, it hugged my figure and went with my skin tone. Cheryl always said how much yellow suited me. I curled my hair then applied my make up, wearing a scarlett red lip stick and making my eyelashes full length.

Once I was done I went downstairs for a bit so Cheryl could get ready. I bet whatever she was gonna wear, she'd look absolutley fabulous.

As I was sat downstairs, I just stared into space, thing how amazing my life had gotten. I'd married the love of my life. Everytime I saw Cheryl by stomach done backflips, and I got razy butterflies. We'd came so far together, after everything that had happened, we stayed strong, and fought through it together. I was proud to call Cheryl my wife. Our future was fitting together like a perfect puzzle piece. She was my whole world.

I started scrolling through twitter to see what was going on. And not to my surprise, people were asking me and Cheryl the results of the test, we both agreed we'd say the next day. But just to tease the fans.

@KimberleyJWalsh: Off for a meal tonight with the girlies! X

Moments after my twitter went crazy! And I mean, crazy!

"@KimberleyJWalsh what did the test say? Is it a meal to celebrate?"

"@KimberleyJWalsh when you telling us the result then?"

"@KimberleyJWalsh Kimbers! Stop teasing!"

I chuckled to myself, looking through my mentions laughing at some of the things people were saying.

"What's so funny?" I heard Cheryl's voice.

I turnt around and she was leant against the doorframe. She was wearing a stunning a strapless white dress, cutting of at her knees. Complitmenting her amazing frame. Her hair straightened to perfection, lush pink lipstick on with white diamond heels. My jaw dropped as I stared at the bundle of beauty in front of my eyes.

"What was funny then?" She winked

"Um, uhh" the words not coming out my mouth, as I just gawped at her. "Just twitter" that was all I could manage to say!

"C'mon, put your jaw back, and your eyes back in and let's go" Cheryl laughed. I crossed my arms like a little kid and done my best pout.

"Not my fault you're so beautiful" I carried on pouting. Cheryl walked slowly up to me, swinging her hips so seductively. My mouth went dry as I stared at her from head to toe. Her hand softly cupped my cheek, as she leaned in, kissing me. No passion. No heat. Just love.


We were at the restaurant finishing our deserts. Tonight had been great fun. Nicola had told us all about her new boyfriend, Sarah and Nadine were being surprisngly cute. And me and Cheryl basically stared into each others eyes the whole time.

"I just wanna say, a huge congratulations to Kimberley and Cheryl. None of us could have even imagined our best friends getting married. Let alone having a baby. Its amazing how far you two have both come, and I'm proud of you both! I love you both so much, and I wish you a life full of happiness! Congratulations!" Nicola said raising her glass of orange juice. We sticked to the no alcohol pact.

"Cheers!" We all said, clinking our glasses together.

For another 10 minutes we sat having a laugh, and having just a general conversation. Life felt perfect. Everything was going to plan. I faded from the conversation and just stared into space. Hearing everyone laugh every now and then. I was in my own little world. Just picturing mine and Cheryl's little family. Picturing what our baby would look like. It was perfect. Just like Cheryl. Just like life.


I'm so sorry it took so long to update! I have more exams next week so I don't know when either fanfic will be updated. I'll try my best. Sorry this chapter is so short, I haven't had much free time! But I hope you enjoyed, votes&comments appreciated. Love ya all <3

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