Chapter 56

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Cheryl's POV:

Ever since me and Kimberley got told the survival rates at the last scan, we've been taking things day by day. I can see how emotional she is, but how she is holding it together. I don't know how she's holding it go. I sometimes sneak off and have a cry, I don't want to cry in front of Kimberley. I know we have to be strong, but it is hard. There is, however, the choice to have Elise operated on at a week old, if she can hold on that long. But a baby having an operation that early on in life seems a bit too much. Me or Kimberley don't know whether to go through with the operation or not, it could be too much for Elise. But then again, she deserves a chance at life. Everyone deserves their chance at life. It's just so unfortunate that Elise could have the chance taken from her before she's even able to grab it. I know that it's no ones fault, and that these things happen, but I just keep wanting to point blame to something or someone. But I don't know why.

     Hopefully she'll be a fighter and she'll pull through this. Especially when she's born. I don't like to think about what could possibly happen. No expectant mother would ever want to think that, that's why it is always best to avoid that thought. But it's niggling away at me, and I know that it is a possibility that it could happen. I need to come to terms with it, but I can't, I just can't.


Kimberley just got back from food shopping. I'm laid on the sofa covering myself with blankets to stay warm. I look at her eyes and give her a soft smile. They're red. She's been crying. She walked straight into the kitchen. I could hear her putting everything away and her sniffling slightly.

She came back in and sat on the other sofa. As she sat down she let out an exsasperated sigh.

"You alright babe?" I asked.

She didn't say anything. Just lowered her head and took a deep breath in.

"Kim talk to me"

"I can't"


"Because... because I have to be strong for you."

"Babe I can see in your eyes you've been crying, you don't have to stay strong for me. You're allowed to cry."

"I just...I just don't know what to feel."

"Come here babe" I lifted up the blankets and ushered her over to the space beside me.

Kimberley happily obliged and sat down next to me. I lifted me arm and let her lean her head by my shoulder. She snuggled in tightly to me, as if she was hanging on for dear life.

"Let it out" I whispered

"I can't" she muttered


"I have to stay strong"

"Crying isn't a sign of weakness babe, it's a sign of staying strong for too long."

Then she let it all out. Tears flowing from her eyes. Her body shaking, her cries loud. I wrapped my arms tight around her and let my own tears out.

I lost count of how long we had been crying for. All track of time was gone. I know now though that it was dark outside meaning it must've been late.

I looked down to Kimberley where she had now fallen asleep. I looked at her flawless face. Even with mascara tracks done her face, puffy and red eyes, she still looked beautiful. Hopefully this cry we've had will make us feel better and that hopefully we can come to terms with what's happening. I let out a shaky sigh as I moved down to lay on the sofa next to Kimberley. I finally got to lay down without waking Kimberley up. I looked at her one last time before placing a small kiss on her lips before closing my eyes that now had dried up tears on, and fell into a deep sleep.


As always I'm sorry it's short, I know what's gonna happen in the next chapter so I'm hoping it will be longer. Thanks for reading. Votes and comments always appreciated

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