Chapter 62

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Kimberley's POV

We opened to the doors to the neonatal unit. Joan had Calleigh in her arms as we walked over to the sanatiser gel. We all rubbed it in and walked through another door to go over to Elise's incubator. I was actually really scared of what to expect. My heart was pounding. I was scared to see her with all the tubes and little and helpless.

Calleigh was gurgling away in Joan's arms as we walked over to Elise's incubator.

We got closer and I saw her lying there sleeping. Her chest rising and falling so fast trying to breath as much as she could. We sat on the surrounding chairs and just watched her.

"She's beautiful." Joan said.

"She is" Cheryl smiled back.

I smiled at them both then turn my attention back to Elise who was now waking up.

Her gorgeous eyes moving frantically around. I just stared at her. Wishing I could hold her. I'm pretty sure Cheryl was feeling the same way.

After a few minutes of Elise looking around she began crying. But because of the incubator and the fact we weren't nurses we were unable to do anything to comfort her. It literally killed me that we couldn't calm her. It's what parents do.

A few moments later a nurse came over and checked everything over to get to the bottom of why Elise was crying. It wasn't out of hunger or needing a nappy change.

The nurses put it down to pain as

she checked her over using her fingers. As soon as the nurses reached to where her diaphragm would be. Elise began crying even more.

Seeing our baby crying so much over pain that none of us could ease hurt so much, emotionally. 

I could see Cheryl wanted to hold in her tears. Her eyes watered and she was biting down gently on her lip.

I placed my hand on her thigh and stroked it softly to comfort her some how. She turned to me and gave me a sad smile before resting her head on my shoulder.

Joan looked over at the two of us and gave us both a soft smile. Calleigh was now fast asleep again in Joan's arms. It was safe to say that when we take Calleigh home that she'd be easy to get off to sleep. Thankfully.

Elise's crying had died down now. Her tired baby eyes looked around the room while she still had little stifled sobs.

The nurse who had just checked Elise over, approached me and Cheyl with a clipboard and other various bits of paper, notes about Elise I presumed.

"Hello. I'm Elise's main nurse in this unit and I've come to talk to you about an operation for Elise."

"Ok" Cheryl said taking her head of my shoulder.

"Elise has obviously passed the 48 hour danger zone. This doesn't necessarily say that she's out of the woods, but it does mean that she is stable enough for an operation. The NG tube has been releasing any extra air in her in stomach and intestine which then relieves her lungs of any pressure. Meaning they aren't under alot of strain at the moment so she is able to have the operation. If you want to go through with it that is."

I listened carefully to what she was saying. What if she didn't make it out of the operation? What if there were complications that affacted her in later life. Do we really want that to happen?

"Are there any alternatives to the operation?" I asked

"Not really, no. Diaphragmatic hernias inevitably require treatment, because if they are not repaired then Elise's breathing problems will get worse as she could also unfortunately lead to death at an early age. Feeding problems would also get worse with time. The operation puts a stop to these things if they are successful. If it isn't 100% successful then it will still prevent these problems at least."

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