Chapter 64

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Kimberley's POV

Tomorrow was the day of Elise's operation and me and Cheryl had been up the hospital to visit her as much as we could. She took a nasty turn the other day, but she pulled through it and kept on fighting. We definitely had a strong baby girl.

We were quite anxious, just like any new parents would be, but we just took it all a day at a time.

Taking care of Calleigh hadn't been as hard as we thought it would. She wasn't a fussy eater, she was easy to get to sleep didn't wake up too much throughout the night. Whenever she did wake through the night, me and Cheryl would take it turns to sort her out. Albiet, some of the times weren't very willingly and we threw little strops, but that was purely down to lack of sleep. We knew it was nothing against each other, or Calleigh for that matter.

But being parents was amazing and one of the best feelings. Joan was supporting us a lot, as were the girls, who would come round frequently to probably see Calleigh more than what they wanted to see us. They also came up the hospital with us a lot to see Elise.

Elise had put on half a pound since birth, it wasn't much but it was good considering her conidition. She done a lot of sleeping whenever we went up there. But at the times she was awake we got as many pictures as we could. She would always stare right into our eyes before they went all droopy and she'd fall back asleep. Everynight me and Cheryl would practically pray that Elise would make it through the operation.

I was feeding Calleigh while Cheryl was making lunch for us all. We always shared and switched roles so Calleigh could get familiar with us both as parents. I looked down at Calleigh who was suckling away at her bottle of milk. She made these cute little noises every so often and wrapped her tiny little hand around my little finger. Her bright eyes beaming up at me as her cheeks filled with milk.

"You're so beautiful, just like your mammy. Don't tell her I said that, she'll get all big headed." I giggled to myself as I whispered the last sentence.

"Me and mammy love you so much" I leaned down and kissed her for head. Her soft baby skin coming into contact with my lips.

I didn't even realise anyone was in the room until I felt Cheryl's hands on my shoulders. I turned my head to be greeted with her lips.

"So I'm beautiful but not allowed to know." she smirked

"You already know." I said back

"That's so cheesy." She replied, walking around from the back of the sofa to sit down next to me and began stroking Calleigh's short hair.

"You wouldn't have my any other way."

"That's what you think" she winked

"Whats that now."

"Aw I'm joking, I love you just the way you are."

I leaned over and kissed her. Every kiss seemed like the first kiss again... magical. And they always made me love her even more.

"Good because I love you the way you are." I smiled. I lifted Calleigh up into a seated position and leaned her forward abit and began rubbing her back to burp her. Next thing you know a huge belch comes out of her.

"Oh look Chez it's another you." I laughed

"Cheeky bitch. I don't burp like that."

"Clearly you're deaf then." I winked

"You're mean." she pouted

"That pout won't work on me."

"Not even if I flutter my eyelashes" and she started fluttering her eyelashes.

(FINISHED)Chim - Stop Crying Your Heart Out OfWhere stories live. Discover now