Chapter 61

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Kimberley's POV:

I had barely left the hospital since the babies were born. It was 2 days since the twins were born and Cheryl and both babies were still in hospital.

I could tell Cheryl was trying her hardest to stay strong. Calleigh had been put on a feeding tube and Elise was still in the neonatal unit; she'd still shown no signs of improvement. I had to stay strong for Cheryl too. At night when Cheryl was asleep in the hospital bed, I would sit and watch her and Calleigh. I'd wish that it wouldn't be like this. We didn't contemplate these things and the complications that would occur.

The sun was now rising, I had a couole of hours of sleep. The sun shone through the blinds, the rays illuminating Cheryl's make up free skin as she intercepted the suns path. Even 2 days after giving birth and being make up free, she was still flawless.

Joan was coming to the hospital today, and luckily we were able to see Elise. Hopefully Calleigh was being taken of the feeding tubes today to see if she would at least take a bottle.

I was excited to see Elise again today, but at the same time I was scared. Apparently she had even more wires and tubes now and we wouldn't be able to hold her hand through the incubator like we did when she was first born. I can't imagine the pain she's going through and she's only a baby. No baby deserved that. And no parent should have to see their new borns going through this. I wish I was a miracle worker and could just suddenly cure her. But for now all we could do was hope she made some improvement and when she is strong enough she could have an operation. That's the only hope we have for now.

Calleigh was stirring and sobbing which snapped me out of my thoughts. Cheryl was still asleep so I went over and picked her up. I changed her nappy carefully because of the tubes and because she needed a nappy change. I then put her back down and stroked her smooth baby hair lightly. Her bright blue eyes beamed back at me. My heart felt like it melted right there and then.

Calleigh soon fell back into a peaceful sleep. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Moments later Cheryl woke up sleepily smiling at me. I sat down next to her on the bed.

"Good morning" I smiled and kissed her. Cheryl deepened the kiss and slid her tongue through my lips. I kissed back just as hard, earning a deep but quiet moan from Cheryl. We broke apart and leaned our foreheads together. Cheryl looked deep into my eyes as I did back. Her eyes coveyed hundreds of different emotions, just swimming around.

"Good morning to you too" She smiled back. Except her eyes didn't sparkle like normal.

"Your mum's coming up today, and we can also see Elise today" I said

"Thank God! I've missed them both."

"Aw same babe"

"Is Calleigh coming of the feeding tubes today?" Cheryl asked hopefully

"They're gonna take her off, test her with a bottle, if it works then yeah they'll keep them off. But if she doesn't take to the bottle then they'll keep her on them for a little while longer."

"Hopefully she'll drink from a bottle then." Cheryl sighed. "God I'm surprised my blood pressure isn't sky high 'cause of all this stress."

"Well it's best not to stress babe. I know it's hard not to believe me."

"But why don't you seem stressed at all Kimba?" Her eyes started getting watery.

"Because I have to stay strong for you and the babies" I said firmly but getting a little choked up.

"But you know you shouldn't bottle things up" She says, letting a tear roll down her cheek. It fell in a perfect straight line, and literally looked like a mini diamond.

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