Chapter 55

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Cheryl's POV:

3 more weeks to go and mine and Kimberley's beautiful babies would be here. Today we were off to have a 3D scan off them and also because every so often I'd need to have a check up becauses of Elise's condition. We were hoping for good news but didn't wanna get our hopes up just in case. My bump was huge now and Kimberley had to help me get my shoes on, get of the sofa, get out of bed. I really did feel bad because of how much she's had to put up with. Her song on New Years was absolutley beautiful, it made me fall in love with her even more, which I didn't even think was possible. I felt like the luckiest girl alive that night. And I also think that she should release it as a single, it'd be a hit! Kimberley, on the other hand, wasn't so sure, which I don't see why.

Kimberley drove us to the private clinic to where we'd have the check up and 3d scan.

"I'm so excited to see this babe!" Kim grinned, the excitement written all over her face. I hoped the babies would have her cheeks, that'd be the cutest thing ever

"Ano babe! I can't wait to see them!"

"3 more weeks and we get to properly aswell!"

"You better be at the birth" I laughed

"Aww you know I'm not gonna miss our babies being born. Besides, if I'm not there then who's hand are you gonna break?" Kimberley sniggered

"Hey I have a high pain threshold thankyou." I folded my arms

"Hahha ok Chez" Kimberley laughed again then went silent.

I tried my best to seem stroppy but failed.

"I love you"

"I love you too Cheryl." I leaned in the best I could and shared a kiss with Kimberley before getting out the car and waddling inside.

I held Kimberley's hand as we walked to the check-in desk.

Once we'd checked in we sat down on the seats and had a general chat. I quickly decided to send a tweet

"@CherylTweedyWalsh: 3d scans today to see our beautiful babies! Can't wait<3"

I quickly put my phone away as the doctor called my name.

The chair, luckily, was so comforatble. I layed back and relaxed, it felt like I could fall asleep the colours of the room were so calming. It wasn't like hospitals with the clinical smell and the bright white walls. There were flowers in this room with beige paint and not that horrible cliche hospital smell you get. Which was good because horrible smells and pregnancies are not a good combination.

The doctor walked back in with the equipment and put his gloves on. I took hold of Kimberley's hand as he began feeling around my stomach. I could feel the babeis fidgeting a little bit, obviously showing that they were ok.

"The babies heads are dropping down meaning the wait shouldn't be much longer." The doctor smiled

"Does that mean they'll come soon?" Kimberley asked

"In about 2-3 weeks, if that"

"Thank god!" I laughed

"Is the pregnancy tiring you out?"

"A bit, and it'd be nice to be able to put my own shoes on" I chuckled

"It's a good job I don't mind doing it then isn't it" Kimberley laughed sweetly, I looked up to her and smiled.

"Right time for the 3D scan, are you excited?"

"Yes very!" me and Kimberley said in unison.

The doctor walked out the room to get what he needed.

I went abit tense and shaky, I don't know why but I was scared aswell as excited. Kimberley must've felt me tense because she started stroking the back of my hand with her thumb and kissed my forehead. She knew how I found it comforting.

"You alright baby?" She asked and sat down next to me

"Yeah just a little bit scared"

"Don't worry babe"

I turned my head and kissed Kimberley. The kiss was different, it was like a comforting kiss instead, but still filled with love.

The doctor came back in and explained what he'd be doing.

It was like any other scan, just more technical. He pressed a few buttons to make the picture come up.

"There are your babies"

I looked to the screen. They were beautiful, the screen doesn't show all details, but they did have Kimberley's cheeks and eyes and my dimples.

"Kim babe look!" I said with tears in my eyes

"They're gorgeous!" She sniffled,.she too had tears in her eyes.

I couldn't help but notice that one baby was far bigger than the other.

"Um why is one baby bigger than the other?" I asked

"The smaller baby is the baby with the diaghramatical hernia. Unfortunatley she is small because her body is finding it harder to cope. When you were first told about the baby's condition, did they tell you the survival rates?"

"Yeah they said 50/50"

"I'm very sorry but the rates would have dropped because of the size"

"So err..what would the rates be now?" I asked quietly. I went silent, the doctor looked scared almost.

"A-about.. 30/70..20/80"

I looked at Kimberley, the sadness evident on her face. I didn't know what to think, what to say. What is there to say.


The car ride back was silent. None of us knew what to say to each other. I think we both knew that we would probably have to prepare for the worst. I wish there was something I could do, something to do so she could have a chance at life. But nothing crossed my mind.


I'm sorry it's short but as I said before I don't really know what to write about

Votes&Comments always appreciated. Also, if you could comment some ideas on how I could improve it, them I'd love it if you could

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