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5 years later.

Kimberley's POV

It's been 5 years. 5 long years. We lost our beautiful baby girl 3 days after her unsuccessful operation. In those 3 days we captured tonnes of memories and photos so her memory will always live on and so that one day, when Calleigh is a little older, we could properly explain to her what happened to her twin sister. But for now, the only way we were able to explain to her why there were "two of her" in the same pictures, was that we had two babies but Elise had to go live with the angels. Calleigh always asked about the angels and whether they were looking after her sister. Which they were. Because in heaven, she would be pain free. And she would be looking down on her twin sister.

Calleigh is obviously 5 years old now. She has not long started school aswell, which she adores. She's such a little social butterfly, always saying hello to people in the street, asking how they are. Me and Cheryl are so proud of her.

After losing Elise, things got a little rocky. As expected. Cheryls mum Joan stayed with us for a while to help us through it and to cope with bringing up Calleigh. It hit us both pretty hard. Cheryl went into a downward spiral. One that me or Joan couldn't get her out off. No one could apart from Cheryl herself. She took blame for Elise's condition, believing that because she carried her meant it was her fault why things turned out the way they did. I wont lie, it wasn't easy and several times our marriage was hanging in the balance. There were times I was prepared to walk out because I just couldn't cope. But I knew that wasn't going to help anyone. Cheryl had to go to AA meetings and to a counsellor. But after a year or so, things turned around and she started to get herself back on track.

Okay, things haven't been plain sailing, we both get our sad days when we think about what it'd be like it Calleigh was able to play with her twin sister. But we helped each other through. Cheryl no longer blamed herself and realised it's just something that happens that we unfortunately can't control. I would say going through what we did has made us stronger than ever. Words cant explain how proud I am to be her wife.

After everything we had been through, we decided to also slow our careers down a little bit. We were still recording and releasing music, but we just made sure we weren't doing it continuously and giving ourselves a hectic schedule. The most important thing to us was to spend as much time as we could with each other and with Calleigh. Although when at school she would always talk about how her mummy's a pop stars. Me and Cheryl would often find her trying to imitate classic Girls Aloud dance routines and lip syncing along. Many atimes we would find ourselves giggling at her attempts. Obviously parenthood wasn't just that. It was the sleepless nights, debating over who would do the next feed, the next nappy change, or who would carry the next baby.

Which ended up being me.

Now, I'm sat here cradling our 3 month old bundle of joy, Maisy. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. I was sitting under a tree in the shade gently rocking Maisy as she slowly drifted off into her midday nap. I looked up and saw Cheryl running around after Calleigh who was squealing with excitement. Cheryl caught up to Calleigh and picked her up and swung her around in her arms before the both headed over to me.

"Hey baby." Cheryl said as she bent down and let go of Calleigh and kissed me before giving Maisy and peck on her head.

"Hello you." I smiled back.

"Mummy, is Maisy moo a present from Elise and the angels?" Calleigh asked.

I looked at Cheryl with a large smile on my face matching hers.
"Yes she is baby." I said back as we all sat together enjoying the gentle summer breeze and being in each other's company's.
After everything, we were happy.


I just want to say thank you to everyone who ever read this story. I first started writing this in 2013 and to this day I still receive messages about it. So I thought I should finally update it. I hope you enjoyed this final chapter. I know it's short but I wanted it that way.
Thank so so much to everyone who has read, liked and commented over the years. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoyed my story♡♡

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