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Wednesday, September 15.

Dear diary, my first day at Westbrook High was okay I guess. Jade, Jesy and Leigh are so nice and I think there could be a real chance of friendship with them. But Zayn though! He is so hot. But is what Jade and the girls said true? He seemed stuck up in English, like he didn't give a crap about anyone but himself. But he said I had a cute name! Was that flirting? I don't know. I don't know what to think with him. He has a mixed personality. 

"Perrie!" I heard Jade's voice call. I turned around and saw Jade running over to me. She pulled me into a hug and we exchanged greetings. 

"Where's Leigh and Jess?" I asked. 

"They've headed to class already. They said they'll meet us at break though" Jade answered as we both headed inside. "What class do you have now?" 

"Music" I responded, looking down at my map. 

"Me too. Who's your professor?" Jade said, snatching my schedule from my hand. "Yes! You have Mr Blake, same as me! We're in the same class!" Jade said excitedly. I laughed at her excitement and took my schedule back. Jade and I walked to Music together, and I sat down in the seat beside her. 

"So, we're going to be focusing on vocal work these next couple of weeks, and at the end of the topic, you'll be pairing or grouping with students from the other class, and writing your own songs. Sound good?" Mr Blake explained. "Doesn't matter if it doesn't sound good, you haven't got a choice."

Mr Blake stood in front of the class and explained a few things, before calling a student up the front to demonstrate. Her voice was pitchy and shaky due to nervousness, but she was an okay singer I guess. Mr Blake called up Jade next. 

"Good luck" I whispered to her as she walked up to the front of the class and took the microphone. Jade began to sing Beyonce's, End Of Time. Her voice was incredible, and she seemed so confident! Once she had finished, the whole class applauded, and Jade returned to her seat. "Jade that was incredible! I never knew you could sing like that!" 

"Thanks Pez" Jade smiled.

"Perrie, you're next" Mr Blake called out. I nervously looked over at Jade and she nodded.

"Go ahead, picture everyone naked" Jade said which made me chuckle. I got up and walked to the front of the class, taking the microphone and taking a deep breath. I began to sing Ella Eyre's, Together, adding a slight twist to it. Once I'd finished, everyone applauded again. I smiled and handed the microphone back to Mr Blake, and took my seat again. "Talk about incredible! Damn Perrie that was perfection, and you can sure hold a note."


At break, Jade and I headed over to the cafeteria to meet Jesy and Leigh. We sat on our usual table, and talked about anything and everything. Zayn came in again, and I stared at him, eyeing him up and down. He spotted me and I quickly removed my stare, and continued with the girls conversation.

"Perrie" Zayn said. The girls and I all looked up, to see Zayn standing at the end of the table.

"Get lost Zayn" Jade scoffed. "Perrie doesn't want to talk to you." I continued looking at Zayn as he shrugged his shoulders and flashed me a wink, before walking away. "Ugh he gets right on my last nerve!" Jade groaned. "How does he even know you?"

"He's in my English class, we sit next to each other" I answered. Jade rolled her eyes.

"Just promise me you won't fall into his trap. He'll just use you like he has done with every girl he's slept with" Jade pleaded. I nodded and looked over at Zayn, who was staring at me from the other side of the cafeteria. He smiled, and continued with his conversation. 

The five minute warning bell rang, and the girls all left to go to their class. I rummaged through my bag, grabbing my notebook and a pen, when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up, and Zayn was standing over me.

"Care to walk to English together?" he asked.

"You mean, you're not going to ditch the first 15 minutes?" I raised an eyebrow and stood up from the bench. 

"Not anymore" Zayn smiled. He had a beautiful smile, which was contagious. I nodded, and Zayn and I headed to our English class. We arrived, and Miss Peterson was very surprised to see Zayn arrive on time for a change. We sat next to each other, and Zayn continued to smile at me.

"Can I borrow a pen please bab.. I mean, Perrie?" Zayn said. I sighed and grabbed him a pen, handing it to him so he could write down his notes. Not that he did. I peered over at what he was doing half way through the class and he was doodling. I shook my head, and continued with my work.

"Perrie, I don't suppose you want to go grab something to eat tomorrow night? Maybe watch a movie or something?" Zayn asked as we were packing our things away. I looked at him, remembering what Jade had said. I was tempted to reject his offer, but he flashed that smile at me and I just couldn't refuse.

"Sure. Pick me up at 6?" I said. He nodded and walked out of the classroom. 


Thursday, September 16.

Dear diary, Zayn asked me out! Oh my god! I really do find him attractive, and he's really sweet. Jade's convinced it's an act, but I don't think anyone can be that nice without meaning it. We get on really well in English. We're always getting yelled at for talking while Miss Peterson is teaching, but he's really good company. I think I'm falling for this guy. 

Thursday at school dragged. I didn't have any of the subjects I enjoyed. I have a triple Math period, and then Science and Sport. But I got through the day. After school, I headed home to get ready for my date with Zayn. I showered, and my mam double French-braided my hair. I wore a pair of black laced shorts, with a white tasselled shirt. I slipped on a pair of black flats, before sitting in front of the mirror and applying my make up. 

It had turned 5:45pm when I was completely ready. I put my phone, purse and perfume into a little clutch bag with my name on it that I had received as a gift for my birthday. Just past 6, there was a knock at the door. I answered it, to see Zayn wearing a pair of jeans with a button up shirt, undone over a vest. He looked so hot. His hair was quiffed, and his cologne flooded me. It smelt great.

"Wow" he said, looking at me. I smiled and said goodbye to my mam before leaving the house with Zayn. We got into his car, and he drove to the movie theatre. We went into a small pub for something to eat, as we still had over an hour before our movie started.

"So tell me about yourself?" Zayn said.

"Okay, well I'm originally from South Shields in England. I moved here just short of two months ago. I am an only child, and I love languages and music. What about you?" I replied.

"I live in an apartment on the other side of town, I share with some guy my sister used to date, but he's never there. I like to spend my time drawing, especially graffiti. I'm not a street raker though, I have a room in my apartment where I draw whatever I desire on the walls" Zayn responded. 

"That sounds cool" I said. "I saw your doodles in English the other day, you're a real good drawer."

"That's nothing compared to what I have at home. Maybe after the movie, I could take you to see my work?" he asked, even though I knew that wasn't what he had in mind. 

"Sure" I agreed, finishing my food, and we headed into the movie.

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