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Monday, March 19.

Saturday was such a nice day. It was Zayn and I's six month anniversary and he brought me a cute necklace with my name engraved on the front, and on the back it said "I love you, from Zayn" which I thought was really sweet of him. We spent the whole evening curled up on the couch in his apartment, watching movies on Netflix. We also had our fun, but I'll keep that private!

I wandered into school, meeting Zayn in our usual spot. I smiled and kissed him as I approached.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled at me. "Where's your necklace?" I pulled down the neck of my shirt to reveal the jewellery he had brought me. Zayn smiled again and attached his lips to my neck.

"Zayn" I mumbled, pushing him away. "Not here." He pouted which made me giggle, and we shared another kiss before heading into class. My first class of the day was French, and then Science. Break soon came around quick enough and I joined the girls in the cafeteria.

"I am so not looking forward to next period. I heard coach made the juniors run 10 laps of the field earlier today. If she makes me do that I think I'll scream" Leigh groaned. Jade, Jesy and I all agreed. The bell rang and the girls and I all headed for the changing rooms.

"This is ridiculous. Why do they put us through this torture?" Jesy complained as we were getting changed. I pulled off my shirt and placed it into my locker. 

"Wow Perrie! That necklace is beautiful! Why do you hide it under your shirt?" Jade said, stepping towards me and taking a closer look. Please don't turn it over. Please don't turn it over. "Where did you get it from?" 

"I got it as a gift" I said nervously. Jesy and Leigh looked at me with wide eyes.

"Who from?" Jade said as she turned the necklace over. I closed my eyes and the cold chain dropped and hit my chest. I opened my eyes again, to see Jade staring at me. "Is this some kind of prank?" 

I took the necklace in my hand and held it against my chest. Jade looked at me with disapproval, as I didn't say anything.

"Jade, I'm sorry" I whispered.

"What is this?" she questioned. 

"Zayn and I, we're a couple. We have been since my first few days here" I spoke, putting my sports shirt on to cover the jewellery.

"You're kidding me, right? Zayn doesn't date" Jade laughed slightly. 

"It's true" Leigh added. Jade's face dropped.

"After everything I told you about him. After the way he treated me, you still went on a stupid date with him?" Jade raised her voice a little. 

"He loves me Jade. And I love him. Why can't you just be happy for me?" I asked.

"He's an ass!" Jade shouted.

"No he isn't! At least not to me. We've been dating six months and he is the sweetest guy I've ever met. He does treat me like a princess. And I think if it was an act, he wouldn't have carried it on for this long!" I said, getting tears in my eyes.

"Spare the tears Perrie. He's using you. He's probably holding you out for longer because he knows all the stories I've told you about him. He'll break your heart eventually, you just wait and see! And I'll be here to tell you I told you so" Jade scoffed before storming out of the changing rooms. Leigh chased after Jade, and Jesy stayed with me while I burst into tears. 

"Pez, she's just a little angry that you didn't tell her sooner, she'll calm down" Jesy comforted. 

"She hates my guts!" I sobbed. I walked out of the changing rooms after Jesy helped me freshen up from crying. Jade stood on the other side of the hall, shooting me looks of disapproval. 


Wednesday, April 7.

It took Jade a while to get used to the fact that Zayn and I were a couple, but we eventually made up. I was glad to have my best friend back. Anyway, prom tickets go on sale today, and I'm so excited. Jade and I are in charge of the sales, so we are going to be busy the next couple of days. Prom is in a month, and not only do we have to get our dresses and everything ready, the girls and I need to practise for our performance. 

The bell rang for break and Jade and I ran out of Music class, and to Principal Jordan's office. He handed us the money box, and the prom tickets, and Jade and I got set up in the hall. As we opened the doors to let everyone in, the whole room flooded with people. We made about 70 sales, and it was only part one of day one! Lunch was a little quieter, but we still made around 30 sales. 

The next day, I had English. Zayn came in a few minutes after me, and smiled, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. I loved when he did that. 

"You know, I still haven't been asked to prom" I said, smirking slightly.

"Well, don't get your hopes up babe, not everyone gets asked" Zayn said, before chuckling and looking down at his work. I nudged him and continued with the class. At break's session of prom ticket sales, Zayn came and sat with us in the hall. I perched on his lap every time it got quiet, which still, wasn't very often. Even though we had made over 150 sales, there were still hundreds of students that hadn't brought a ticket yet. Between break and lunch, I had Science and Math. 

Jade and I had a laugh at lunch. We were really starting to become best friends again and I really liked it. Jade was so much fun to hang around with. We made plans that I was to sleep at her house tonight, and I was really looking forward to it. Half way through lunch, Jesy's boyfriend Jake, and Leigh's boyfriend Jordan walked into the hall.

"Two tickets for me please" Jake said. 

"Planning to ask a special girl, are we?" I raised an eyebrow in a joking manner. 

"Of course" Jake smiled. I handed him his tickets, and looked over at Jade who was serving Jordan. The boys left, and I sat on the edge of the table with my legs crossed.

"I'm gonna feel like a right loner at prom" Jade pouted.

"What do you mean? You'll have me, Jesy and Leigh" I answered. 

"Yeah but you's have all got boyfriends that you'll be dancing with" Jade whinned a little.

"Maybe not" I frowned a little.

"What?" Jade questioned. 

"Zayn hasn't even asked me yet. I keep dropping hints, but he hasn't even been in to buy a ticket yet. I guess he's not going to prom" I sighed. 

"Pez, I'm sure he'll ask you" Jade encouraged. I smiled a little and the bell rang for the end of lunch. I headed to French, Leigh and I sat talking for a while, before Mr Harrison began teaching. At the end of the day, Jade and I met up, and headed out of the school. As I approached the exit, a girl whom I had not met, and was a few years younger than me, came over to me.

"You're Perrie Edwards, right?" she questioned. I nodded, a little confused. "Miss Peterson wants to see you in her class before you leave. Something about moving you to a higher level?" the girl said, before running off to meet her friends. I sighed and Jade and I headed back towards my English classroom. Jade waited outside, and I walked in. Instead of finding Miss Peterson, I found Zayn. He was dressed in a tux, he had a rose in his hand, and a huge smile on his face.

"Zayn, what are you doing?" I asked him, smiling at him.

"Perrie Louise Edwards, will you do me the honour, of being my prom date?" Zayn said, walking over to me and reaching into his pocket, pulling out two tickets to prom. I smiled wider and pulled him in for a kiss. 

"I thought you'd never ask" I whispered, pulling away from his lips slightly. 

"You didn't think I'd let my girlfriend go to prom on her own, did you?" Zayn smiled. I kissed him again, and wrapped my arms around his neck. 

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