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Friday, September 17.

My date with Zayn went really well. And his artwork is truly amazing. I need to mention it to my mam, she must be able to do something for him. He got me to sleep with him, and I really hope what Jade had said wasn't true. I am falling for Zayn, and if what she told me, is what really happens with him, I'm going to be real disappointed. He was so good though, at sex I mean. He was experienced, and I liked that.

After French, I headed to the cafeteria to meet Jade and the others. I sat down with them, not really paying any attention to what either of them were saying. I watched the door, waiting for Zayn to enter. It was about 10 minutes into break when he did. He looked straight over at me and smiled. I blushed a little and smiled back, before returning to what the girls were saying. It was only a minute, when Zayn came over to the table we were sitting at. 

"Hey Perrie, I had a really great time with you last night" Zayn smiled at me, and Jade spat her drink all over Leigh.

"Jade! For fuck sake!" Leigh groaned, wiping herself off. I looked over at Jade who gave me a really disappointed look, before she got up and went to leave.

"Jade wait!" she stopped and looked at me. "I did it to teach him a lesson. I'm not interested in him. He deserved to get a taste of his own medicine, and that's what I gave him. I'm not going to talk to him" I lied, and looked at Zayn, who seemed upset. He frowned and walked away, and Jade rejoined us at the table.

"Perrie, you absolute genius" Jade said proudly and smirked dirtily at Zayn from across the cafeteria. I watched as he looked at me and frowned. I turned my head, and continued with the conversation the girls were having. The five minute warning bell rang, and the girls and I headed to our next class, mine being English. I took my seat, and not to my surprise, Zayn wasn't there. Neither did he show up half way through the class. He ditched the whole period. I sighed, as I wanted to explain why I said those things.

After English, I wandered to Zayn's Art and Design class and saw him sitting there, looking real sorry for himself. I felt bad, and I wanted to talk to him, but I knew I couldn't just go in there. He was in the middle of a class. I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote down a note.

Miss Davies, could I please borrow Zayn from your class? He didn't attend my lesson today, and I need to explain a few things to him. Thanks, Miss Peterson.

I folded the note into four and tried to figure a way of getting the note to the teacher. A student walked past, whom looked like she was avoiding teachers, maybe ditching class? 

"Hey!" I said and she turned and looked at me. "I'll give you 5 bucks if you wait two minutes, and hand this to Miss Davies." I held up the note in my hand. 

"Yeah sure" the girl agreed and I nodded and handed her the note, and 5 bucks. I wandered down the hall, back to Miss Peterson's room. It was empty, so I walked in and waited for Zayn to turn up. I was waiting around 5 minutes before he did. 

"Miss Peterson?" Zayn said as he entered the class. He saw me and sighed, before turning around and heading back towards the door. 

"Zayn wait! Please. Let me explain" I pleaded, running up to him and grabbing his arm. 

"What is there to explain? You used me" he said.

"Just like you did with Jade, and other girls in this school?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"The difference is Perrie, I really liked you! You're different to any other girl I've met before and I really enjoyed the time we spent together" Zayn frowned.

"I like you too, Zayn" I smiled.

"No you don't. I quote 'I'm not interested in him'" Zayn said.

"I had to say that, Jade would've hated my guts otherwise. She's my best friend Zayn, I can't lose her just because I have feelings for someone she hates. I really do like you, Zayn" I said, stepping closer to him.

"Really?" he whispered.

"Really" I said, before he smiled and kissed me on the lips.

"Zayn! Perrie! You're both in detention after school!" Miss Peterson came into the room and caught us making out. We pulled apart quickly and Zayn chuckled at me, and we left the class.

"Just, please don't tell Jade about us" I said. "I like her, as well as you. I want to be able to have both of you in my life, and if she finds out, she'll hate me." Zayn nodded and we headed back to his Art & Design classroom. We kissed, before saying goodbye and he headed into his class. 


The bell rang for the end of school, and I said goodbye to the girls, before heading to Miss Peterson's room for detention. Zayn was already there, and as I entered, he smirked at me.

"Hi beautiful" he whispered as I took a seat next to him. 

"Hi" I giggled and he took my hand and kissed the back of it. We sat in silence throughout the course of detention, Zayn and I handing notes back and fourth, trying not to get caught. The bell rang and Miss Peterson dismissed us. 

"Well that was a drag" Zayn groaned as we left the class, hand in hand. I laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I said, reaching into my jeans pocket and pulling out a piece of card. I handed it to Zayn. 

"What's this?" he said, looking at it. 

"The number and email of an Interior Decorator. My mam said he's really interested in new work. You should send him your stuff" I said and Zayn smiled.

"Perrie! Thank you so much!" he said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and we began walking out of the school gates. Zayn walked me home, and we kissed before saying goodbye. Just as Zayn was leaving, my mam pulled up and invited him to stay for dinner.

I took Zayn up to my bedroom, and we laid down on my bed and hugged until my mam called us for food. We walked downstairs, and sat down at the table next to each other. 

"So Zayn, I hear you're into art?" my mam asked him. Zayn nodded while he finished his mouthful.

"Yeah, I've been into it since I was young" he answered. 

"Mam, his work is incredible" I said. "He has this whole room, where he draws on the walls and it's amazing." Zayn smiled at me. After dinner, Zayn and I headed back upstairs. 


"You're so beautiful" Zayn said, attaching his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss and he trailed the kisses down my jawline to my neck, hooking up my shirt with his fingers. I moaned as he sucked on my sweet spot. 

"Perrie! Jade's here" my mam called up the stairs. I quickly pushed Zayn off of me and got up. 

"Stay here" I pleaded to Zayn and he nodded. I walked downstairs to greet Jade. 

"Hey girl, ready to practise?" she said.

"Jade, what are you doing here?" I questioned her.

"Did you forget our plans to practise our song for music? You said Friday at 7" Jade answered.

"Oh shit. Sorry Jade, I'm going to have to cancel, I totally forgot, and I'm kind of busy right now. Maybe over the weekend sometime, I'll text you" I said, leading Jade back to the door.

"Perrie, are you okay? You seem anxious" Jade said. 

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be okay?" I said.

"No reason" she answered. "Okay well text me when you're free and we can practise then."

"Will do, sorry again" I said, and Jade left. 

"Phew! That was close" I said as I returned to my bedroom.

"Yeah" Zayn smirked. "Now... where were we?"

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