Love and beer - Shadow {Sonic 3}

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Y/n sat on the edge of a quiet, dimly lit bar in the outskirts of Station Square, nursing a half-empty drink

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Y/n sat on the edge of a quiet, dimly lit bar in the outskirts of Station Square, nursing a half-empty drink. Life hadn't been kind lately, and the weight of loneliness had finally pushed her to do something she never thought she'd do—seek out Shadow the Hedgehog. He wasn't exactly known for being warm or caring, but there was something about his aloofness that intrigued her. Maybe, just maybe, he'd understand her in a way no one else could.

As the door creaked open, Shadow stepped in, his iconic black and red fur catching the dim light. His usual stoic expression didn't change as he approached the bar, though his red eyes flickered briefly when they met hers. He sat down next to her without a word, giving her space to speak first.

Y/n stared into her drink, swirling it around in the glass. After a long silence, she finally spoke, her voice soft but strained. "Shadow... I need your help. I want to be loved."

Shadow blinked once, processing her words. He didn't flinch, didn't react with sympathy or even a raised eyebrow. Instead, after a moment's pause, he replied in his usual calm, matter-of-fact tone.

"I see. Well... I'll need some beer."

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle softly, the absurdity of the response breaking the tension. "Beer? Is that your solution to everything?" she asked, a hint of amusement creeping into her voice.

Shadow shrugged. "I don't do love advice, but I figure if we're going to dive into this conversation, we might as well have something to drink."

He motioned to the bartender, who handed over two cold beers without a word. Shadow cracked one open with practiced ease, taking a sip before glancing at her. "So, you want to be loved. Why come to me?"

Y/n sighed, her smile fading as she looked down at her hands. "I don't know... I guess, of all people, I thought you'd understand. You don't seem like someone who cares what others think, and I'm... well, I'm tired of trying to be someone I'm not just to make people like me."

Shadow leaned back, his expression still unreadable. "People are fickle. Most of them are shallow, seeking only what benefits them. If you change yourself to be loved by others, you're setting yourself up for disappointment."

Y/n frowned, his bluntness stinging a little more than she expected. "So, what? I'm just supposed to stay alone forever?"

Shadow took another sip of his beer, his eyes narrowing slightly. "No. You should be yourself, unapologetically. The right people will gravitate toward you if you stop chasing the wrong ones."

She considered his words, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass. It wasn't the comforting advice she'd hoped for, but it was honest—and maybe that's what she needed. "That's... surprisingly insightful coming from you."

Shadow smirked slightly, a rare expression for him. "I observe more than you think."

They sat in silence for a moment, the hum of the bar's quiet atmosphere settling between them. Y/n felt a little lighter, even if her problems weren't solved. Sometimes, talking to someone who didn't sugarcoat things was enough.

"Thanks, Shadow," she said quietly. "For listening. And for the beer."

Shadow gave a brief nod. "Don't mention it. Just... don't expect me to become your personal therapist."

Y/n smiled softly. "I wouldn't dream of it."

As the night continued, they stayed there, side by side. Shadow, as always, was a man—well, a hedgehog—of few words. But in his silence, there was a certain understanding, a quiet support that Y/n appreciated more than she expected. 

And for the first time in a while, she felt a little less alone.

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