Morphine - Sonic {Sonic 3}

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The aftermath of the battle between Sonic and Shadow was nothing short of devastation

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The aftermath of the battle between Sonic and Shadow was nothing short of devastation. The once vibrant landscape was now marred with craters and debris, remnants of their intense struggle. Sonic, despite his unwavering determination, had taken the brunt of the damage. He lay on the ground, battered and bruised, his usual cocky grin replaced with grimaces of pain. Every breath he took was shallow, each movement sending shockwaves of agony through his body.

His girlfriend, Y/n, knelt beside him, her hands trembling as she gently wiped away the dirt and blood from his face. She had been watching the fight from a distance, her heart in her throat the entire time. Sonic had always been the strongest, the fastest, the one who never gave up. But this fight had been brutal, pushing him to his absolute limits.

"Sonic, stay with me," Y/n whispered, her voice thick with worry as she held his hand, trying to keep him conscious.

Sonic coughed, a weak smile forming on his lips despite the pain. "Heh, I'll be fine... just a scratch," he muttered, though the deep gashes across his body told a different story. His usual bravado was fading, and Y/n could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

Y/n reached into the medical kit she had brought with her, knowing that the aftermath of a battle like this would require more than just words of comfort. She pulled out a syringe filled with morphine, her hands steadying as she prepared to administer it. Sonic had always been tough, but even he wasn't invincible. He needed help, and she was determined to be there for him.

"You're not fooling anyone, Sonic," Y/n said softly, pushing a lock of his hair out of his face. "You need to rest and recover."

Sonic's eyelids fluttered, the pain becoming harder to bear. His usual quips and sarcastic remarks were nowhere to be found as he tried to stay conscious. He could barely move, his body screaming in protest every time he tried to shift even slightly.

Y/n carefully injected the morphine into Sonic's arm, her heart breaking as she saw how much pain he was in. "This will help," she murmured, watching as Sonic's face relaxed a bit, the morphine slowly taking effect.

Sonic let out a shaky breath, the sharp edges of his pain dulling slightly as the medication began to work. "Thanks, babe," he whispered, his voice hoarse. He reached up weakly, brushing his fingers against her cheek. "Did I... win?"

Y/n smiled, though her eyes were filled with tears. "Of course, you did," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "You always do."

Sonic chuckled, though it quickly turned into a wince as the movement aggravated his injuries. "Good... wouldn't wanna let Shadow get the best of me."

Y/n gently laid his head on her lap, stroking his hair as she whispered, "You don't have to worry about that now. Just rest, okay? We'll get you out of here soon."

For a moment, the world around them seemed to quiet. The sounds of battle had long faded, leaving only the two of them in the aftermath. Y/n continued to care for Sonic, her hands moving with practiced tenderness as she cleaned his wounds and checked for any serious injuries. Despite the chaos, there was a calm between them, a shared understanding that they had each other, no matter what.

Sonic's eyes were half-closed, the morphine dulling the pain but also making him drowsy. He fought to stay awake, not wanting to leave Y/n's side. "You always know how to take care of me," he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/n smiled, tears now slipping down her cheeks. "I'll always take care of you, Sonic. Always."

He gave her hand a weak squeeze, his strength fading. "Love you..." he murmured before finally allowing himself to drift off, the exhaustion from the battle and the relief from the morphine pulling him into unconsciousness.

Y/n watched him sleep, her heart heavy with worry but also relief. He was alive, and that was all that mattered. She stayed by his side, holding his hand and keeping him safe, knowing that when he woke up, they would face whatever came next together.

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