An amphibious intervention - Anne {Amphibia}

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Anne Boonchuy and Y/n sat on a mossy rock just outside of Wartwood, the sounds of the bustling frog town filling the air

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Anne Boonchuy and Y/n sat on a mossy rock just outside of Wartwood, the sounds of the bustling frog town filling the air. Life in Amphibia had always been strange, but today it felt a little stranger than usual. The two friends had been noticing a troubling trend among their amphibian pals—heavy drinking, wild parties, and what they were pretty sure was the Amphibian equivalent of substance abuse. But in true Amphibian fashion, most of the frogs played it off like it was just part of life.

Anne kicked a pebble into the water, letting out a long sigh. "I don't get it, Y/n. Everyone's just... acting like it's no big deal. I mean, I know things can get weird here, but this? It's starting to get out of hand."

Y/n nodded in agreement, glancing over at the town. "Yeah, I've seen it too. Hop Pop's been sneaking 'juice' into his tea, and I'm pretty sure I saw Wally sniffing some weird mushrooms by the tavern yesterday."

Anne snorted. "Wally's always been a little *out there,* but now it's like half the town's following his lead." She paused for a moment, staring at the sky. "And don't even get me started on Toadie and his 'magic potions.' I caught him mixing stuff behind the tavern last night. He said it was 'for science,' but I'm pretty sure it was more for fun."

Y/n shook their head. "This isn't just about having fun, though. It's like everyone's trying to avoid something, you know? And honestly, it's starting to feel like it's getting dangerous."

Anne crossed her arms, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah... We've gotta do something about it. We can't just let our friends go down this path. Even if they don't see the problem, it's only gonna get worse."

Y/n smirked, nudging Anne playfully. "Look at you, Anne Boonchuy, about to host the first-ever Amphibian intervention."

Anne groaned, leaning back against the rock. "I dunno if I'm cut out for this, but someone's gotta step up, right? I can't just stand by while everyone I care about gets messed up on whatever they're drinking or... eating."

They both sat in silence for a moment, contemplating the situation. Amphibia was a strange world, but Anne had always managed to navigate its weirdness. This, though, felt different. It was real, messy, and complicated.

"Alright," Anne said, sitting up straighter. "We'll start small. We'll talk to Hop Pop first. He's been downing that 'juice' like it's water lately, and it's starting to show."

The two of them headed back into town, where the usual hustle and bustle had a slightly chaotic energy. They found Hop Pop outside the Planter farm, sipping on his tea—except Anne and Y/n both knew it wasn't just tea anymore.

"Hey, Hop Pop," Anne said cautiously, approaching him with Y/n by her side.

"Ah, Anne! Y/n!" Hop Pop greeted them with a wide smile. "Beautiful day, isn't it? Just relaxin', enjoyin' a little afternoon brew."

Y/n glanced at the teacup in his hand, the liquid inside tinged a suspicious shade of amber. "Isn't it a little early for, uh, afternoon brew?"

Hop Pop chuckled. "Nonsense! It's never too early to enjoy a bit o' relaxation. Keeps me sharp! You young'uns should give it a try sometime."

Anne exchanged a glance with Y/n before stepping closer. "Hop Pop, we need to talk. We've noticed... well, we've noticed that a lot of frogs around here are, uh, hitting the bottle a bit too hard lately. And not just the bottle—there's a lot of weird stuff going on with potions, mushrooms, and 'juice.'"

Hop Pop waved them off dismissively. "Ah, you're overreactin'. It's just part of life in Amphibia! Things are stressful, and folks need a way to unwind. No harm in that."

Y/n shook their head, their expression serious. "But it *is* harm, Hop Pop. People are getting reckless. Wally nearly fell into the moat last night, and I'm pretty sure Toadie's 'experiments' are getting out of control. You don't see it because you're in it, but it's starting to affect everyone."

Hop Pop blinked, his usual jovial demeanor faltering for a moment. "Well, I... I guess I hadn't thought of it like that. But what're we supposed to do? Times are tough, and folks need a release."

Anne stepped forward, her voice softer now. "I get it, Hop Pop. Things aren't easy, but drinking and, uh, 'experimenting' like this isn't the answer. It's hurting more than it's helping."

There was a long silence as Hop Pop stared into his cup, his face thoughtful. Finally, he sighed, putting the teacup down. "Maybe you're right, Anne. Maybe it's time we all take a good look at ourselves. I'll talk to the others. See if we can come up with... other ways to deal with things."

Anne smiled, relieved. "Thanks, Hop Pop. That's all we're asking."

Y/n nodded. "We just want everyone to be okay, and this... isn't the way to get there."

With Hop Pop on board, the next few days were spent having difficult conversations with the other townsfolk. Wally, of course, was a hard sell, still insistent that his mushroom habit was all in good fun. Toadie's 'potions' were confiscated after he accidentally blew up a section of the tavern, finally convincing the others that maybe their 'fun' had gotten a little out of hand.

Through it all, Anne and Y/n stayed by their friends' sides, even when the frogs played it off with humor, cracking jokes about their habits. It wasn't easy, but slowly, the town began to change. The 'juice' was replaced with new hobbies—croaking competitions, dance-offs, and even gardening became the new trend.

One evening, after a long day of helping out in the community, Anne and Y/n sat by the fire outside the Planter home, watching the sunset.

"I didn't think we'd actually pull it off," Y/n said, leaning back against the grass. "I thought they'd laugh us out of town."

Anne chuckled, shaking her head. "Yeah, I wasn't sure either. But I guess it shows how much we all care about each other. Even if it takes a while for everyone to get it."

Y/n smiled, looking at Anne. "You did good, Anne. We did good."

Anne returned the smile, feeling a sense of pride swell in her chest. "Yeah, I guess we did. Maybe being a hero isn't always about fighting giant monsters. Sometimes it's about helping your friends when they don't even realize they need it."

And for the first time in a while, the town of Wartwood felt a little lighter, a little brighter. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start.

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