Far from you - Moana • Simea {Moana 2}

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The wind howled outside the hut, rattling the woven palm fronds that served as the roof, and little Simea sat huddled in the corner of the room, her small fingers gripping tightly onto her toy sailboat

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The wind howled outside the hut, rattling the woven palm fronds that served as the roof, and little Simea sat huddled in the corner of the room, her small fingers gripping tightly onto her toy sailboat. Her mother, Sina, was busy preparing a meal, but Simea's wide, worried eyes never left the doorway. Her sister, Y/n, had been gone for days now, sailing on one of the most dangerous voyages Motunui had ever seen. And it wasn't the first time. Y/n had grown up like Moana, destined for the sea, but Simea, who was barely three years old, could feel a knot of fear tightening in her chest that she couldn't quite understand.

"Mama," Simea called softly, her voice trembling with the uncertainty that comes only from a child who doesn't fully grasp danger but feels its shadow nonetheless.

Sina turned, smiling softly at her youngest daughter, but Simea could see the tightness in her mother's eyes, a reflection of the same worry that was gnawing at her own heart. "Yes, my love?" Sina's voice was soothing, but it couldn't wash away the anxiety Simea felt.

"When will Y/n come back?" Simea asked, her small hands gripping the boat even tighter. "What if she doesn't come back?"

Sina knelt down beside her daughter, smoothing back the wild curls from Simea's forehead. "Y/n is strong, just like Moana," Sina reassured her. "She knows the sea better than anyone. She will come back, my love."

"But the ocean is scary," Simea whispered, her voice shaking. "What if something bad happens to her? I don't want her to be like the stories."

Sina's heart ached. She knew the stories Simea referred to—the tales of brave voyagers who had set out to find new lands and never returned. Y/n, just like Moana, had the same calling, that pull to the horizon, and while Sina understood it, it didn't stop the worry from creeping into her own thoughts.

"The ocean can be scary, yes," Sina said, choosing her words carefully, "but Y/n is smart and brave. She's doing this because she believes in something important, just like Moana did when she saved our island."

Simea's lip quivered, her innocent eyes filled with tears. "But I don't want Y/n to be a hero. I just want her to come home."

Sina gently lifted her daughter into her arms, holding her close. "I know, little one," she murmured into Simea's hair. "I know."

The storm outside seemed to echo Simea's worries, the crashing of the waves against the shore mirroring the turmoil in the child's heart. And yet, in that moment, all Sina could do was hold her daughter and hope.

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