Cute girlfriend - Enid {Wednesday}

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Y/n Addams sat at the long, candlelit dining table in the family's dimly lit mansion, her fingers gently tracing the rim of her black coffee cup

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Y/n Addams sat at the long, candlelit dining table in the family's dimly lit mansion, her fingers gently tracing the rim of her black coffee cup. Her sharp, dark eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced across the room at Enid Sinclair, who was currently bounding through the hall with an enormous grin plastered on her face.

Enid was wearing a bright pink lobster hat—one that bobbed with every enthusiastic step she took—and humming a tune that Y/n could only assume was from some horrifically joyful Barbie movie. The kind of movie that made Y/n's soul shrivel at the thought.

Y/n couldn't help but wonder, not for the first time, how in the name of all things grim and macabre she had ended up dating Enid, a human embodiment of sunshine and happiness.

"How the fuck are you always like this?" Y/n muttered, her voice a monotone whisper that still carried enough weight to make Enid freeze mid-hop.

Enid turned to Y/n with a wide smile, eyes twinkling. "Like what?"

"Like... that." Y/n gestured toward the lobster hat with a flick of her slender, pale hand. "The hat, the humming, the constant fluffiness. It's baffling."

Enid laughed—a sound that felt like sunlight streaming through a window after a week of rain. She bounced over to Y/n, her hat wobbling comically as she plopped down beside her. Without warning, she leaned in and kissed Y/n's cheek.

Y/n blinked, her face remaining stoic as usual, though there was a subtle flicker of warmth in her eyes. It was a secret only Enid knew how to draw out.

"I'm fluffy because that's who I am," Enid said brightly, as if that explained everything.

Y/n sighed and took a sip of her coffee. "Yes, I've noticed. But what I don't understand is how you can be so... disgustingly optimistic all the time. Don't you get tired of it? Doesn't the overwhelming happiness ever suffocate you?"

Enid giggled again, grabbing Y/n's hand and squeezing it gently. Her fingers were always warm, in contrast to Y/n's perpetually cold skin.

"Nope!" Enid chirped. "It's just how I see the world. And besides, I like making people happy. Even you."

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "You think you make me happy?"

Enid's expression softened, and she tilted her head, studying Y/n with a gaze that was far more perceptive than people often gave her credit for. "I do. You might not smile or dance around like I do, but I can tell. I see it in the way you look at me, the way you don't tell me to shut up when I ramble on about things you hate, like glitter and puppies."

Y/n stared at her, silent for a moment, before speaking. "You're perceptive. I'll give you that."

Enid beamed, her eyes lighting up like stars. "See? I knew it!"

Y/n shook her head slightly, her fingers tightening around Enid's hand. "You're an enigma to me, Enid. I live in darkness. I prefer the silence of the night, the cold embrace of death—"

"You find that comforting," Enid finished for her, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "And that's okay. I love that about you. Just like you... tolerate my fluffiness."

Y/n narrowed her eyes, her lips twitching in what could almost be called amusement. "Tolerate is a strong word. Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

Enid laughed, leaning her head against Y/n's shoulder, her vibrant colors a stark contrast to Y/n's black-clad figure. "Well, whatever you call it, I'm glad you don't push me away. Even when I wear lobster hats."

Y/n let out a long-suffering sigh but made no effort to move away from Enid's warmth. "You're lucky I haven't burned that monstrosity yet."

"I know," Enid replied cheerfully. "But I think it's growing on you."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Absolutely not."

They sat there in comfortable silence for a while, Enid happily fiddling with Y/n's cold fingers, and Y/n staring blankly ahead, deep in thought. Despite her constant questioning of how Enid could live in such a world of color and light, she had to admit, there was something comforting about it. The chaos, the noise, the absurdity of it all—it was a welcome disruption in her otherwise dreary world.

"One day," Y/n finally muttered, breaking the silence, "I will never understand how you keep going with all of this."

Enid tilted her head up, giving her a cheeky grin. "Maybe you're not supposed to understand it. Maybe you're just supposed to love it."

Y/n glanced down at her, a rare softness flickering behind her dark eyes. "Maybe."

Enid leaned up and kissed her softly, the pink lobster hat still bobbing on her head as she pulled away with a smile. "Now come on, let's go watch *Barbie Mermaid Adventure*!"

Y/n groaned, but she didn't resist as Enid pulled her up from the table and led her toward the living room. As absurd as it was, Y/n found herself following willingly, hand in hand with the bright, fluffy girl who had somehow wormed her way into the darkest corners of her heart.

"Fine," Y/n said, her voice a low grumble. "But if you make me watch another one of those movies, I'm burning that hat."

Enid laughed, her voice ringing through the mansion, and Y/n couldn't help the small, almost imperceptible smile that tugged at her lips as they walked together into the light.

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