Chapter 18: The Last Dose

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The dark aura enveloping Cobra pulsed like a living thing, twisting and writhing around him. His body seemed larger now, his veins pulsing with unnatural energy, his skin taking on a sickly, almost inhuman hue. The Pit drug had completely overtaken him, turning him into a monstrous version of the fighter he once was. Zioles could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on him—this was no longer a battle of skill alone; it was a fight for survival.

Viper watched from the shadows, his face twisted in a cruel grin. “This is going to be fun,” he muttered, leaning back against the wall.

Zioles remained calm, staying connected to the Flow State. Every move, every breath felt like a natural extension of his body’s rhythm. He had come too far to let Cobra’s drug-fueled rampage throw him off. He centered his focus, breathing steadily, waiting for Cobra’s next move.

Cobra charged with frightening speed, his fists swinging wildly. His enhanced strength sent shockwaves through the air as his punches missed by inches. Zioles ducked and weaved, avoiding the ferocious strikes by mere millimeters, his body moving as if guided by instinct alone.

With a powerful lunge, Cobra aimed a devastating punch at Zioles’s head, but Zioles saw it coming, sidestepping just in time. He grabbed Cobra’s wrist, using the momentum to twist Cobra’s arm behind him. But Cobra was far too strong now; he broke free with a savage jerk, spinning around and landing a brutal knee to Zioles’s chest.

The impact knocked the wind out of Zioles, sending him crashing into a nearby pillar. Pain flared through his ribs, but he quickly recovered, pushing himself off the ground. He could feel the intensity of the fight rising, but he knew that relying solely on defense wouldn’t be enough.

This was going to take everything he had.

Cobra roared and rushed forward again, his attacks more erratic yet terrifyingly powerful. Zioles anticipated the oncoming blow, crouching low and delivering a sharp Muay Thai elbow to Cobra’s midsection, then spinning with a roundhouse kick aimed at his ribs. The strikes landed, but Cobra barely flinched, his drug-fueled rage dulling any sense of pain.

It was clear: he couldn’t defeat Cobra through normal means. The drug had pushed him beyond human limits, and while Zioles was still in control of his own body, Cobra was running on pure ferocity.

Suddenly, Cobra grabbed Zioles’s leg mid-kick and swung him with immense force, throwing him against a steel support beam. The impact was bone-rattling, and for a moment, Zioles felt dazed, his vision blurring. He struggled to regain his footing as Cobra advanced, fists clenched and teeth bared.

But just as Cobra was about to strike, Zioles entered an even deeper level of the Flow State. His senses sharpened to the point where he could see Cobra’s every movement as if in slow motion. The rhythm of Cobra’s attacks became clearer, more predictable. Zioles could sense the tiny gaps between Cobra’s movements, the milliseconds where his defense faltered.

Drawing on Kru Somchai’s teachings, Zioles began to counter Cobra’s attacks with pinpoint precision. A sharp jab to the solar plexus, a swift kick to the shin, an elbow strike to the temple—each hit designed to wear Cobra down, to drain his energy. It was no longer about raw power; it was about precision, control, and outlasting his opponent.

Cobra’s attacks became sloppier, his rage blinding him as Zioles weaved in and out of his strikes. Finally, Zioles saw his opening. Cobra lunged at him, and Zioles stepped forward, delivering a lightning-fast upward knee to Cobra’s jaw, followed by a powerful spinning elbow to the side of his head.

The force of the elbow knocked Cobra off his feet, sending him crashing to the ground. Zioles stood over him, breathing heavily but still in control. Cobra groaned, struggling to push himself up, but his body was failing him. The Pit drug had taken its toll, pushing him too far beyond his limits.

“Enough!” Zioles shouted, his voice echoing through the room. “This ends now.”

But just as Cobra collapsed, Viper clapped slowly, stepping out of the shadows. His eyes gleamed with amusement. “You’ve won the battle, but the war’s just getting started, Zioles,” Viper said, his voice dripping with malice. “Leon’s waiting for you, and trust me, he’s not going to be as easy as Ironclad or Cobra.”

Zioles clenched his fists, his body tense with both exhaustion and anticipation. He had taken down two of Leon’s strongest fighters, but Viper’s words confirmed his fears—Leon was still the ultimate challenge, and this fight was far from over.

Before Zioles could respond, the door at the far end of the room creaked open, revealing a dark corridor leading deeper into the Pit’s underground lair. A sense of foreboding washed over Zioles as he stared down the path he knew would lead to Leon.

Viper smirked and began walking toward the corridor. “Come on, hero. Leon’s waiting for you. Don’t keep him waiting.”

Zioles took a deep breath and followed Viper into the darkness, knowing that the final battle was just around the corner.

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