Chapter 2: The Decision

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Zioles spent the rest of the day in a daze, his thoughts consumed by Elara’s offer. In the back of his mind, he replayed their conversation over and over, trying to make sense of it. Who was she really? Why had she chosen him? And more importantly, could he actually do what she was asking?

As he sat in class, staring blankly at the board, the usual jeers and whispers seemed distant, almost muted. Normally, he would have been tense, bracing himself for the next shove or insult, but today, his mind was elsewhere.

When the final bell rang, Zioles gathered his things and made his way to the gym. The familiar scent of sweat and leather greeted him as he stepped inside, and for a moment, the world outside faded away. He found Kru Somchai in the back, wrapping his hands with tape.

“Zioles, you’re late,” Kru Somchai said in his gruff voice, not looking up.

“Sorry, Kru,” Zioles mumbled, tying on his gloves.

“Something on your mind?” Kru Somchai asked, finally glancing at him with a knowing look. Zioles had never been able to hide anything from his mentor.

Zioles hesitated, then nodded. “I met someone today. She wants me to… fight back at school. To stop the bullies.”

Kru Somchai raised an eyebrow. “And what do you think about that?”

“I don’t know,” Zioles admitted. “I’ve always kept my training a secret. I didn’t want to use it to hurt anyone.”

Kru Somchai nodded, his expression thoughtful. “Fighting is not about hurting others, Zioles. It’s about protecting yourself and those who can’t protect themselves. The skills you’ve learned are tools—how you use them is up to you.”

Zioles absorbed his words, his mind racing. “But what if I can’t control it? What if I make things worse?”

“Fear is natural,” Kru Somchai said, standing up and walking over to him. “But it’s how you face that fear that matters. You’ve trained for years, Zioles. You have discipline, control. But more than that, you have a good heart. That’s what makes you different from those bullies.”

Zioles looked down at his hands, clenched into fists. For years, he had kept his strength hidden, fearing what it might mean if he ever let it out. But now, with Elara’s offer, he was being forced to confront that fear head-on.

“Do you think I should do it?” Zioles asked, looking up at his mentor.

Kru Somchai studied him for a moment before speaking. “Only you can make that decision, Zioles. But remember this: there is honor in defending the weak, in standing up against those who use their power to harm others. If you choose to fight, do it for the right reasons.”

Zioles nodded slowly, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. Kru Somchai’s words resonated with him, giving him clarity. He didn’t have to fight to prove himself or to get revenge—he could fight to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves, just as Kru Somchai had said.

After his training session, Zioles walked home, Elara’s card burning a hole in his pocket. When he reached his room, he sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the card. It was simple, with just her name and a phone number, but it represented a decision that could change everything.

Taking a deep breath, Zioles pulled out his phone and dialed the number. The phone rang once, twice, and then a familiar voice answered.

“Zioles,” Elara said, as if she had been expecting his call.

“I’ve made my decision,” Zioles said, his voice steady.

“And?” Elara prompted.

“I’ll do it,” Zioles replied, surprising even himself with the firmness in his voice. “I’ll join your project.”

There was a brief pause on the other end, and Zioles could almost hear the smile in Elara’s voice when she spoke again. “Good. Meet me tomorrow after school. We have a lot to discuss.”

As Zioles hung up the phone, he felt a mix of anxiety and excitement. He didn’t know what this new path would bring, but for the first time in a long while, he felt like he was taking control of his own destiny.

The bullies at school had no idea what was coming, and neither did he. But one thing was certain—things were about to change.

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