Chapter 19: Into the Lion's Den

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Zioles walked down the dimly lit corridor, the echo of his footsteps barely audible over the pounding of his heart. His muscles ached, his ribs still sore from Cobra’s vicious assault, but his mind was sharp. He had come too far to let the pain break his focus now. The path to Leon was lined with danger, but each step brought him closer to the showdown that would decide everything.

Viper led the way with a cocky swagger, his movements casual, as if he were unfazed by the destruction left behind. The corridor twisted and turned like a maze, walls covered with graffiti and old posters of underground fighters, their eyes glaring from the past. The air grew colder as they descended deeper into the Pit, the weight of the place settling heavily on Zioles’s shoulders.

They passed by a series of locked doors, each one labeled with a fighter’s name—memories of battles won and lost. Viper glanced at one of the doors and chuckled.

“You know, I used to be like you,” Viper said, not turning around. “Thinking I could change the world, fight for what’s right. But the Pit… it eats people like us alive.”

Zioles didn’t respond. He wasn’t here for a heart-to-heart. He had one goal: end Leon’s reign of terror.

As they reached the final door, Viper stopped and turned to face Zioles, his smile more sinister than ever. “This is it. Once you step through here, there’s no going back.”

Zioles squared his shoulders, his eyes locked on the door. “I never planned on going back.”

Viper shrugged and pushed the door open, revealing a massive underground arena. The place was unlike anything Zioles had ever seen—a dark, cavernous space with towering steel beams and crisscrossing metal walkways high above. A giant circular cage sat in the center of the arena, dimly illuminated by flickering lights. It looked like a place where only the strongest survived.

And there, standing in the middle of the cage, was Leon.

He wore a black leather jacket over a tight shirt, his posture relaxed as if he were waiting for a friend rather than an enemy. His eyes gleamed with cold amusement as he watched Zioles approach.

“I see you made it,” Leon said, his voice calm but full of menace. “I didn’t think you’d get this far. You’ve been more trouble than I expected.”

Zioles stepped forward, his fists clenched at his sides. “This ends here, Leon. You’ve hurt too many people, and I’m going to make sure you never do it again.”

Leon smirked, folding his arms. “You’re brave, I’ll give you that. But bravery won’t save you. I’ve been running this game long before you even knew what fighting was. You really think you can take me down?”

Before Zioles could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed through the arena. Cobra, still battered from their earlier fight, stumbled into the room. His eyes were bloodshot, his body trembling with the aftereffects of the Pit drug. He looked at Leon, desperation etched across his face.

“Leon… I failed you,” Cobra muttered, his voice weak. “But I can still—"

Leon cut him off with a cold glare. “You’re done, Cobra. I don’t need failures in my ranks.”

Cobra’s face fell, and for a moment, he looked as though he might collapse. But before anything else could happen, Viper grabbed Cobra by the arm, dragging him to the side of the arena.

“You had your chance,” Viper whispered. “Let the boss handle this.”

Leon stepped forward, his gaze now locked on Zioles. “I’ve seen your fights, kid. You’re good. Really good. But you’re not ready for this.”

Zioles’s muscles tensed, adrenaline surging through his veins. “I’ll decide that.”

Leon’s smirk faded. “Alright then. Let’s see if you can handle the king of the Pit.”

The cage door swung open, and Leon entered the fighting arena. The air crackled with tension as Zioles followed, stepping into the ring for what would be the fight of his life. The door slammed shut behind him, the clang of metal echoing in the cavernous room.

For a moment, neither of them moved. They stood at opposite ends of the cage, sizing each other up. Zioles could feel the weight of everything that had led him to this point—the training, the battles, the friends he had fought to protect. It all came down to this.

Leon cracked his knuckles, his eyes narrowing. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

The fight began with lightning speed. Leon moved like a predator, his strikes precise and deadly. He was far more skilled than Cobra or Ironclad, his technique honed by years of ruthless combat. He opened with a flurry of rapid punches, forcing Zioles to stay on the defensive. Every blow felt like it carried the weight of a sledgehammer.

Zioles dodged and blocked as best he could, but Leon was relentless. He attacked with a mix of boxing and street-fighting techniques, blending brutal efficiency with practiced skill. A sharp hook to Zioles’s jaw sent him stumbling, but he quickly regained his footing, refusing to give Leon the upper hand.

Leon followed up with a knee strike to Zioles’s midsection, but Zioles saw it coming. Using his Muay Thai training, he grabbed Leon’s leg mid-strike and countered with a powerful elbow to Leon’s ribs. The impact forced Leon to back off, but the man barely flinched, his expression unreadable.

“You’ve got some fight in you,” Leon muttered, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip. “But I’m just getting started.”

Leon came at him again, but Zioles wasn’t the same fighter who had entered the Pit. Kru Somchai’s teachings ran deep in his veins, and the Flow State kept his mind clear, allowing him to anticipate Leon’s every move. He blocked Leon’s next attack and retaliated with a rapid series of knee strikes, driving Leon back toward the edge of the cage.

The crowd that had gathered around the arena roared with excitement, the tension in the air growing thicker with every passing second. Zioles could feel the pressure mounting, but he wasn’t about to let Leon take control.

This was his fight. His moment.

The Flow State deepened, and everything around him seemed to slow down. He could see the shifts in Leon’s stance, the subtle movements that gave away his next attack. When Leon threw another punch, Zioles ducked under it and countered with a spinning elbow that caught Leon square in the jaw.

Leon staggered, and for the first time, his calm demeanor cracked. His eyes flashed with anger as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

“You’re better than I thought,” Leon growled. “But you’ll regret pushing me this far.”

As the battle raged on, Zioles knew one thing for certain: he was ready for whatever came next.

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