Chapter 5: The Ridgeway High Threat

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Zioles spent the next few days training with Kaito and Mason under Elara’s watchful eye. The three of them quickly developed a strong bond, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the team. Kaito’s Taekwondo was all about precision and speed, with powerful kicks that could knock an opponent down in an instant. Mason’s Karate was centered around discipline and balance, with a focus on delivering decisive blows. Zioles’s Muay Thai, with its brutal efficiency, complemented their styles perfectly.

As they trained, Elara briefed them on Ridgeway High, a school notorious for its unruly students and violent clashes. The school was practically a breeding ground for bullies, and their influence had started spreading to neighboring schools, including Zioles’s. The leader of this group was a formidable fighter named Leon, a skilled and ruthless martial artist known for his unpredictable and ferocious fighting style.

“Leon isn’t just any bully,” Elara warned them one day after training. “He’s a calculated fighter who knows how to manipulate his opponents. He’s been causing trouble at Ridgeway High for a while now, and his influence is growing. If we don’t stop him, he’ll bring his chaos to Highland High and other schools in the area.”

Zioles felt a chill run down his spine as Elara spoke. He had faced bullies before, but Leon sounded like a different breed entirely—a real challenge. But with Kaito and Mason by his side, he felt a surge of confidence. They had trained hard, and he knew they were ready for whatever Leon and his gang would throw at them.

The day of the confrontation arrived sooner than expected. Elara had received word that Leon and his gang were planning to make their move on Highland High that afternoon. The team met in an empty classroom after school to finalize their plan.

“Leon’s gang will be coming through the west entrance,” Elara said, laying out a map of the school. “We’ll intercept them before they get inside. Kaito, you take the left flank with Mason. Zioles, you’ll be on the right. I’ll stay back to monitor the situation and step in if things get out of hand.”

Kaito and Mason nodded, their expressions serious. Zioles could see the tension in their eyes, but also the determination. They had been preparing for this, and now it was time to put their skills to the test.

As they moved into position, the atmosphere around the school felt charged, like the calm before a storm. Zioles took his place near the west entrance, his heart pounding in his chest. He could see Kaito and Mason on the other side, their stances ready, eyes focused.

Then, the doors swung open, and Leon and his gang walked in. Leon was tall and broad-shouldered, with a confident smirk on his face. His dark hair was slicked back, and his eyes scanned the area, taking in everything with cold calculation. Behind him, his gang followed—a mix of tough-looking boys and girls, all exuding an air of menace.

Leon’s gaze fell on Zioles first, and his smirk widened. “So, you’re the one causing all the buzz. I’ve heard a lot about you, Zioles.”

Zioles didn’t flinch, meeting Leon’s gaze head-on. “I’m here to make sure you don’t bring your chaos to my school.”

Leon chuckled, a low, mocking sound. “Big words for someone who’s about to get crushed. But I like your spirit. Too bad it won’t last.”

Without another word, Leon signaled his gang to spread out. The air crackled with tension as both sides sized each other up. Then, in a blur of movement, the fight began.

Kaito and Mason launched into action, engaging Leon’s lackeys with a flurry of kicks and punches. Zioles watched them out of the corner of his eye as he squared off against one of Leon’s top fighters, a wiry boy with a vicious grin.

Zioles’s training kicked in as the boy lunged at him, throwing a wild punch. Zioles sidestepped it with ease, countering with a swift knee to the ribs. The boy gasped, doubling over, but quickly recovered, swinging at Zioles with renewed fury.

Meanwhile, Kaito was a whirlwind of kicks, moving with the fluid grace of his Taekwondo training. He dodged and countered each attack with precision, his movements almost too fast to follow. Mason, on the other hand, was all about power and control, his Karate strikes landing with bone-jarring force.

The initial skirmish was intense, but it was clear that Kaito and Mason were holding their own. Zioles, too, was in his element, his Muay Thai strikes efficient and devastating. But the real challenge was yet to come.

As the fight raged on, Zioles finally faced off against Leon. The two circled each other, the tension between them palpable. Leon’s smirk was gone, replaced by a look of intense focus.

“You’ve got some skill, I’ll give you that,” Leon said, his voice low. “But let’s see how you handle the real thing.”

Leon lunged at Zioles with a series of rapid, unpredictable strikes. Zioles barely had time to react, blocking and dodging as best as he could. Leon’s attacks were relentless, a whirlwind of power and speed that pushed Zioles to his limits.

But Zioles wasn’t about to back down. He grit his teeth, focusing on everything Kru Somchai had taught him. He moved with precision, using his knees and elbows to strike back whenever he saw an opening. The fight was intense, each blow exchanged sending shockwaves through his body.

For a moment, it seemed like Leon had the upper hand, his strength and aggression overwhelming. But Zioles refused to give in. He dug deep, finding a reserve of strength he didn’t know he had. With a powerful strike, he managed to break through Leon’s defenses, landing a solid elbow to his jaw.

Leon staggered back, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip. His eyes narrowed, filled with a mix of anger and respect. “Not bad, Zioles. Not bad at all.”

The battle was far from over, and both fighters knew it. As they squared off once more, the tension in the air thickened. Zioles could feel his heart pounding, but there was also a calm determination in him now. He wasn’t just fighting for himself anymore—he was fighting for his school, for his friends, and for everyone who had ever been bullied.

This was just the beginning of the Ridgeway High arc, and Zioles knew that the toughest battles were yet to come. But with Kaito, Mason, and Elara by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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