Chapter 1 "Morning"

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Authors note: okay this is my first fanfic ever so it might be crappy. Gomenasai if it is, hope you guys like it and be honest in your comments. I also do not own any of the kuroshitsuji characters, I wish I did XD!

'Today is a new day,' you thought 'I hope so.' As you get up from your bed and get ready for school, you brush your teeth, get dressed, combs your short hair(around Ciel's length), and you put on make-up to hide the bruises your father and brother left you last night for talking back and not doing their chores. Finally you grab your bag and leave your room.

You: *sigh* There all done, now to wake up Pops *goes and knocks on his door* eh... Oi, old man wake up! *no answer*

You then go check outside and to your surprise the car was gone, feeling annoyed you call him to find out where is is.

You: *phone ringing* come on, pick up the damn phone you ass. *he answers*

Your Dad: hello? *yawns*

You: Where are you? I have school today. *annoyed*

Your Dad: Well I'm not home.

You: *under your breath* no shit Sherlock.

Your Dad: What?

You: Just pick me up, will ya *sighs* I hate walking.

Your Dad: Looks like your fat ass needs to walk because I'm at work.

You: *annoyed sigh* seriously, ugh why don't you ever tell me early, por que!?

Your Dad: well bye I have to work, and those dishes better be washed when I get home.

You: Yeah yeah *sighs* whatever. *phone call ends* Fuck, I have to walk to school... Ugh... I'll take the bus.

You leave the house and start walking to the bus stop. Within a few minutes the bus comes and stops in front of you and you get in. You then pay in coins and the bus driver speaks.

Bus driver: good morning

You: ohayo *smiles*

The bus driver was tall, well fit, and a nice British accent. He had medium sized raven hair that was uneven but gorgeous. But what really caught your attention was his crimson eyes, how beautiful yet rare to see on someone almost impossible actually.

Bus driver: ohayo?

You: Ah... It means "good morning" in Japanese.

Bus driver: I see.

You: Are you wearing contacts because those eyes are beautiful.

Bus driver: *pulls down his uniform hat to hide his face* no... I am simply one hell of a bus driver. *he looks up as his eyes meet yours and they glow hot pink*

You: *takes a step back* uhh..... okay? *you go take a seat*

As you sit down, you can't help but ponder about this small incident with the bus driver.

Your thoughts: 'Were his eyes just glowing right now. Shit! What the fuck man! Mother of Goku!'

Your thoughts were interrupted as soon as your stop came, and you pull the string. The bus driver slowly pulls to the side and comes to a complete stop. You exit out the doors and you thank the bus driver.

You: Arigato, that's Japanese for "Thank you".

Bus driver: You're welcome... See you soon. *drives off*

You: Wait what.... The fuck, that's just creepy. Hmm... nope I'm walking home today fuck that. Not gonna risk it.

With that being said you walk the rest of the way to your high school.

Authors note: okay so what do you think, please comment and tell me what I can improve on or any questions you have that need clarification. I hope it didn't suck ^-^

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