Chapter 3 "Pop Quiz"

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Authors note: hello everyone, here I am again. I would have updated sooner but I fell asleep, gomenasai. Anyways here's chapter 3, I do not own any of the kuroshitsuji characters. I wish I did xD! Well enjoy and please comment on anything about my stories and chapters.

Jennifer: Ha, now you're gonna get it.

Mr. Michaelis: Jennifer you have detention and nice comeback (y/n).

Jennifer: WHAT!?!? Aw come on, that's not fair!

Mr. Michaelis: As I recall you were the one who started this whole mess in the first place, so take responsibility for your actions. All (y/n) did was defend herself, now if you argue with me more or question my methods again you will be suspended. Is that clear?

Jennifer: *annoyed* Fine... You win this time (y/n).... I'll get you next time.... *mean glare*

You: Ssuurree *sarcasm and you roll your eyes* I am SO scared.

Mr. Michaelis: Now then, everyone but (y/n) put your books away. Time to take your pop quiz. *smiles*

The whole class except you and Ash groans.

Ash: *facing you* So what are we doing in this class.

You: We are reading Macbeth and so far in the class we have been reading it and analyzing the book. We are also connecting it to the real world........

Ash wasn't paying attention to a single word to what you were saying, all he could think about was how unclean your soul was. He was indeed right, your soul was the most unclean soul in any world, especially in his world. He wanted to cleanse your soul right there, but that damned demon butler was there. He needs to bring you back to his world. Your soul was even more unclean than Ciel's, and Ash wanted to cleanse it and make you his. Ash was snapped back into reality when you waved your hand side to side repeatedly in front of him.

You: *waving your hand in front of Ash's face* helllooo earth to Ash, pikachu is calling. Hey, are you paying attention?

Ash: Huh... Oh sorry I didn't get enough sleep last night, you were saying... *he lied but you didn't notice*

You: *sigh* Okay, once more. *you explain once more*

Ash: Hmm.... sounds easy enough. That's all we do in this class?

You: Yes... just wait for the tests then you won't find it so easy. *smiles*

Ash: Are you doubting my intelligence? *smirks*

You: *shrugs* Maybe, tests here are easy for me so who knows. It might be a challenge for you.

Ash: Challenge Accepted!

You: Ha, How I Met Your Mother reference *laughs slightly*

Ash: A what reference? *confused*

You: Never mind.

Mr. Michaelis: Times up! Pass up your quizzes.

The students pass up their papers.

Jake: I totally passed it!

You: *you face Jake* Quit lying! *laughs*

Jake: Do we have a problem! *stands up ready to fight*

You: HELLS YEAH!! *stands up and preparing to fight*

Mr. Michaelis: Both of you sit down!!!

Both you and Jake don't listen.

Jake: I'm getting real tired of your shit! *walk towards you*

You: You're getting tired of my shit! Bruh, I'm tired of your bullshit! *you put your fists up*

Jake: Go ahead hit me, I fucken dare you!! *he puts his fists up*
Authors note: yes I know another cliff hanger DX I'm sorry but you have to admit it's fun sometimes. Looks like things are getting really heated between you and Jake. Who will win the fight? What will happen next? What will Mr. Michaelis do? Tune in next time and find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z! XD

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