Chapter 7 "Alois Trancy"

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Authors note: Let's keep going on to chapter 7 XD! Comment, vote, and read if you want. Well here I go. I do not own the kuroshitsuji characters, I wish I did XD!!!

You: WHAT!? *you read the newspaper* WHAT THE FUCK!?! MOTHER OF GOKU!?!? T-THAT'S I-IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

Claude: *no emotion or expression* Miss (y/n) you must calm down.

You: I traveled back in time somehow.... That's... FUCKING AWESOME!!! Wait... then my phone wouldn't be working... Hmm... Fuck logic.

Claude: You can worry about that later, you must first eat and then my master has requested to meet you.

You: Master?... *sighs* fine *you eat your breakfast* mm.... This is delicious, better than my cooking.

Claude: Thank you... please excuse me. *bows an leaves the room*

As Claude leaves he begins to think.

Claude's thoughts: 'I must control myself for her soul is absolutely remarkable. Just tasting her blood while she was unconscious was truly delicious, only making me want her more. Her soul is more rare than my master's and Ciel's soul combined. Despite the fact that her soul is remarkable, she herself is to catch ones eyes. I will make her mine, mark her as mine. Could it be I am falling for a human? Even so with her soul and her beauty will be marked as mine. But because her soul is so dark Sebastian will be able to smell it. I must make her mines before Sebastian discovers her. How she got here is still unknown. But it appears as if she's from another world. Whatever the case may be, she will stay with me and I will make her as much comfortable as possible.'

You finished eating your breakfast and you grew bored so you decide to check your Facebook. Someone tagged you on a Kuroshitsuji pic. Your eyes went wide seeing Claude in that picture, and what looked like your substitute from earlier.

You: No way!!

You then start to Google this anime called Kuroshitsuji and you read the summary. As you read you notice some characters from the anime were in the real world.

You: Sebastian Michaelis, a demon butler who formed a contract with a 13 year old boy named Ciel Phantomhive. Hmm... Ash Landers, a fallen angel who wants to cleanse Ciel's soul and all of England's souls. Shit according to this Ash is bad news. But Goku damn Sebastian sexy! *you cover your mouth hoping no one heard you* hm... Let's see season 2 *you then read about Claude and Alois* Claude Faustus, another demon butler that formed a contract with a boy named Alois. Oh great it says here he's a bad guy to and Alois is bipolar. Aw come on can't I catch a break today *sighs* I should watch the anime on my free time so that way I can at least know how things work. But how did I enter the anime world, and why this anime I mean yes Sebastian is sexy as fuck.. but why not an anime I'm familiar with. This doesn't make sense.

Claude: *he enters the room with Alois* Miss (y/n) my master has requested to see you, Earl Alois Trancy this is Miss (y/n). Miss (y/n) this is Earl Alois Trancy, my master. *bows*

Alois: Hello Lady (y/n), what were you doing on my property last night.

Your thoughts: 'Boy is he rude as fuck.'

You: I got lost, fell like a dumb ass, hurt my ankle and hit my head making me go "night night"

Alois: *laughs* Claude she's funny, I want her to stay.

You: Esqueeze me... I'm sorry but I need to go home to my drunk ass dad and abusive brother.

Claude: I beg your pardon?

Alois: Did you just say your brother abuses you and your father is drunk?

You: *mental facepalm* nnooo I said candy canes and lollipops *sarcasm* anyways I need leave as soon as possible.

Alois: No! You can't leave, Claude make her stay!

Claude: Yes your highness.

You: I didn't mean today *you roll your eyes* I can't really move to begin with. *you point at your fractured ankle*

Alois: Yay that's means you'll stay!

You: Kinda have to, but when I fully heal, I'm leaving.

Alois: I don't think so, since I'm giving you hospitality you are in debt with me. *smiles greedily*

You: Then I will leave now.

Alois: But you can't!

You: Just watch me! *you get up as you hold back the pain and start limping towards the door* aahhh.... Fuck! Good bye.

Alois: Claude stop her and make her stay!

Claude: Yes your highness. *jumps in front of you* you won't be leaving. *he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder walking you back to your bed*

You: H-hey put me down! I will scream child abuse! I'm serious! CHILD ABUSE! CALL 911! CHILD ABUSE!!!! *you punch and scream*

Claude: *puts you on the bed ignoring your punches and screams* It is done your highness.

Alois: You can't leave Miss (y/n), not when your in my mansion and under the supervision of my butler.

You: Yeah yeah... *crosses your arms* but your butler doesn't scare me!

Alois: He should scare you. *smirks*

You: Ha! Demons don't scare me! *you mentally slap yourself, your weren't suppose to let them know that you knew* shit *you said under your breath*

Both Alois and Claude eyes grew wide, surprised that you knew Claude's secret.

Claude: I'm impressed *smirks* clever lady.

Alois: WHAT!?! How did you know!?! Claude did you tell her!?!

Claude: I did not your highness, it even surprised me.

You: It's so damn obvious, sheesh your slow.

Alois: I'm not slow!

You: I know you are but what am I? *you stick your tongue out at Alois*

Alois: A stupid lady!

Before you could respond a voice speaks at the door of the room.

Voice: Is that any way to speak to a lady.
Authors note: aw snap who that who that hahaha you won't know until tomorrow or later today if in nice >:) Mwuahahahahaha I'm evil. It could be Hannah, it could be Ash. Who knows maybe Sebastian. You won't know until the next update. XD!!! I'm so evil!

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