Chapter 5 "Lies and a Trip"

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Authors note: here is chapter 5 XD Yay! Well comment and vote if you want. Thank you for those who are reading and enjoying this fanfic. I do not own any of the kuroshitsuji characters, I wish I did XD!

Maggy: (y/n)... Who hit you?

You: No one... I fell... That's it.

You wipe the remainder of your tears and smearing more of your make-up off. Revealing more bruises.

Maggy: (y/n) you have more!!

You: Yeah I know I suck at riding a bike... geez!

Maggy: Come on let's go inside--

Before she could finish her sentence Mr. Michaelis walks out.

Mr. Michaelis: Are you feeling better (y/n)--- *his eyes go wide seeing the bruises on your face and the smeared make-up* (y/n) did someone hit you?

You: No.... *stands up* I fell off my bike yesterday... *nervous laughter* hehe I'm actually surprised I didn't break my nose *you rub the back of your neck*

Mr. Michaelis: Are you sure? *suspicious*

You: *smiles* I'm sure, I just suck at riding bikes. *you wipe the blood off your hands from early on your black hoodie sweater*

Mr. Michaelis: Very well... come on back inside, both of you.

Maggy: okay *she goes inside*

You begin to walk inside but you are stopped when a hand is placed over your shoulder and pulling you back.

You: H-hey! *you turn around and you see its Mr. Michaelis* oh my Goku don't scare a brother like that!

Mr. Michaelis: Are you sure?... I can tell when I'm being lied to. *his eyes meet yours and they glow hot pink, but quickly fades away*

Your thoughts: 'What. The. Fuck!! Mother of Goku! Is he the bus driver, Goku damn!'

You: uhh... Mr. Michaelis... *sighs* the truth is I street box... I needed money to save my house so I box on the streets. *you lied again*

Mr. Michaelis: hmm... very well. *let's go of your shoulder*

You: Arigato *you go inside*

Mr. Michaelis's thoughts: 'She still lied to me regardless of what I said. She is an interesting human, which only makes me want her more. And her soul, it smells delicious, if I can have a taste of her blood I will truly know how delicious it is. Come on Sebastian get a hold of yourself. I must form a contract with her and bring her back to our world. I can keep her away from Ash in our world. Since I have more strength there. Ash Landers, how you managed to connect our worlds is still a mystery but by orders of my master, I am bound to protect whatever you are after. And that is (y/n)'

He walks back inside and everyone kept asking you about your bruises. You told them your original lie, that you fell of your bike. Throughout the whole school day everything was normal except that the Ash and Mr. Michaelis completely disappeared. You just shrugged it off and decided to continue your day until it finally reached its end. The school bell rang and it was fine to go home but you weren't looking forward to it. You rather stay at school or hang out with anyone to avoid facing your brother and father once again.

Maggy: Finally school is over for the day FREEDOM!!!

You: Yeah... bye guys I have to go home...

Jake: Aren't you staying?

You: I can't, I have to go home. Gomenasai. *you start to walk away*

Maggy: Something is wrong with her, I just know it.

Jake: Why don't we ask her tomorrow?

Maggy: I guess... *sighs* I hope she's okay.

Erik: It's (y/n), I'm sure we can help her. We just need to talk to her.

Maggy: That's if she let's us.

Jake: Let's worry about this tomorrow, come on we need to finish our Japanese project.

Maggy: Okay...

Erik: Fine...

They went inside the school to work on their project while you walked home. Secretly you wanted to take the bus but after today's incident you decided against it.

You: I hate walking. *you take out your phone and start playing Flappy Bird* come on one more jump *you hit a pipe in Flappy bird and die* Damn it, so close! *you look up* huh? What the!? *you were in a forest* How did I... WHAT THE FUCK!?!? Where... THERE IS NO FOREST NEAR WHERE I LIVE!?!? SHIT!!! *you hear a twig break and you jump* oh hells no, I am not gonna get raped. Nope not gonna be the stupid girl in the movie that calls out who's there and dies. HELLS NO!

You start to run as fast as you could, your adrenaline kicking in. Not even your backpack could slow you down. Not caring where you're heading you keep running not daring to look back. But as you run you don't notice that your going down hill and you trip. You start falling, rolling down the hill, hitting your head multiple times, fracturing your left ankle and getting more cuts and bruises.


Once you have reached the bottom of the hill your eyes began to slowly close. The last thing you saw was a man in a butler suit walking towards you. Your eyes closed completely and you laid there unconscious as the man carried you back to the mansion.
Authors note: Mwuahahahahaha another cliff hanger. I know I'm so evil DX gomenasai! Anyways hope you enjoyed it.

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