Chapter 4 "Standing up"

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Authors note: I have returned and now to continue and you will be in for quite a shock >:) anyways enjoy. I do not own any of the kuroshitsuji characters, I wish I did xD!

Jake: Go ahead hit me, I fucken dare you!! *he puts his fists up*

You: *you burst out laughing* Alright you win.... I can't keep a straight face... *continues laughing*

Jake: *he bursts into laughter as well* Finally I win... Good one (y/n).

Mr. Michaelis: Do you two normally do this? *poker face*

Maggy: *sighs* Sadly yes.

Mr. Michaelis: I see *sighs* please take your seats and stop interrupting the class.

You and Jake: YES SIR! *hand salute* Jinx!... Damn it not again, super jinx!

Erik: ^3^ cute~ (y/n) and jake sitting on a tree--

Both you and Jake cut him off.

You and Jake: SHUT IT!... JINX AAAHHHH -_- this is getting really annoying now *sighs* DID WE JUST SIGH AT THE SAME TIME... DAMN IT!!!



You and Jake: SHUT IT! WE ARE NOT A DAMN COUPLE!!! *annoyed*

Maggy: Are you sure about that? *poker face*

You and Jake: DAMN SURE!!! JINX!...

Maggy: Whatever you say *shrugs*

You: *annoyed* You know I'm not into all lovy dovy, I don't believe in love, I don't even believe in God. But I still believe in demons because demons are fucking awesome!...

(Authors note: okay I know some readers are super religious so please don't hate me or criticize on my religious beliefs. Yes I am atheist and I wish for you to respect my religion as I respect everyone else's. If there is a problem then you can pretend I never said that oki ^-^)

When you said those words "Demons are fucking awesome!" Mr. Michaelis's heart began to race. He was actually feeling his own heart beat which is rare for a demon. Could it be that he was falling for you?

You: .... So yeah, I don't believe in love period! I don't want it! I don't need it! End of my argument. *you sit down*

Jennifer: Aawww.... you still miss your ex. How cute... and pathetic.

You: *gets back up* What. The. Fuck. Did you just say? *your voice was calm but agitated*

Jennifer: You heard me, you still miss your ex.

You: *balls up your fists to the point where they bleed* Don't.... YOU EVER FUCKING SAY I MISS THAT FUCKING BACKSTABBER!!!!

You yelled with such furry, shooting a death stare with those eyes that even made Mr. Michaelis and Ash jump a bit. The whole class grew surprised.

Maggy: (y/n).... Calm down...

You: NO! *faces Jennifer* What's your fucking problem, what did I ever do to you because the last time I remember, YOU BACKSTABBED ME!!! I never done shit to you Jennifer! I always stayed trustworthy and loyal to you because you were my best friend, but I guess you were never mines!

Jennifer: Are you done now... *she replies coldly*

You: *you hold back your tears* Mr. Michaelis.... May I please be excused... And go outside to calm down....

Mr. Michaelis: Of course... Take all the time you need.

You exit the room and sit in the hallways.

Mr. Michaelis: Now then, Jennifer you're suspended, please go to the front office and call your parents or guardians.

Jennifer: WHAT!?! She was the one that disrupted class!!

Mr. Michaelis: Do not question me! Go now or I will call security and have then escort you out.

Jennifer: Alright Alright.... I'm going *gets up and leaves*

Mr. Michaelis: *rubs his temples* Does this normally happen early in the morning... *sighs* there's ten minutes of class left so you may all do whatever you want. That's legal of course.

Maggy: umm... mister.... may I go outside... and see what's wrong with (y/n).

Mr. Michaelis: Be my guest.

Maggy: *steps outside* (y/n)?...

You were sobbing into your knees and hugging them. Maggy walks towards you and hugs you to comfort you.

Maggy: It's okay... Jennifer was suspended.

You: *you continue to cry and you look up* Why is my life so fucked up?

Maggy: I don't know... *she wipes your tears away while accidentally smearing your make-up* (y/n) are you wearing make-up?

You honestly forgot you had make-up on and worse, you forgot about the bruises your make-up was hiding. Maggy's eyes went wide when she saw the bruises appear on your face and gasped.

Maggy: (y/n)! Y-you have bruises on your face!

You: I fell off my bike yesterday *you lied* it's okay though.

Maggy: (y/n)... *she didn't buy the story* who hit you?
Authors note: I know another cliff hanger DX I'm sorry I'm an asshole. Will you tell Maggy what really happened? What about Ash, will he cleanse your soul? Why are they in the real world? Tune in next time and find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.

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