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The drive back to the Hargreeves household was anything but slow. All traffic violations were ignored yet never caught the eye of red and blue lights meaning Five's driving worked considering he parked half on the curb right in front of the house.

"Come on! Let's go!" Five tells everyone as he opens the house gates and doors

"I don't think she's breathing." Luther says as he carries Allison out of the car being mindful of her neck

"If we don't get her upstairs, she's gonna die." Klaus worried as he takes hold of Allisons feet walking backwards into the house

Every step Zelma took was still filled with adrenaline and just following the people she trusted around her. Which is why it felt like she had just blinked inside not remembering having walked into the room where Allison is laid a medical bed. Grace having a chance to figure out what was wrong she shares with everyone in the room, "She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood."

"I will." The brothers all state without hesitation no one having yet to realize the blood on Zelma's sleeves wasn't Allisons

"I'm doing it." Luther counters as if it wasn't obvious

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy." Pogo breaks the news to Luther "Your blood is more compatible with mine."

Grace prepares the surgical tools while Klaus offers his arm,"Hey, don't sweat it. I... I got this, big guy. I... I love needles."

"Master Klaus." Pogo speaks up ready to break the news to him only having bad news to say "Your blood is... How shall I say this? Too polluted."

"Move." Diego tells Luther who was in the way

"Yeah, go on." Luther says as the brothers who weren't eligible had all moved on to the side of the medical bed that Grace wasn't on 

"I'll do it." Diego states making Grace open the needle and at the sight of it Diego whimpers as he faints falling to the ground, his fear of needles very much still there

At the sight of Diego falling to the ground Zelma's adrenaline vanishes and the tiredness of everything that had happened that night hitting her all at once. Falling into her knees Zelma says, "I need help"

Before she can hear any question or feel someone reach out, Zelma passes out on her side.


With Allison being operated on by Grace and with Luther's supervision, Zelma was bandaged up and given IV fluids considering the wounds she sustained weren't life threatening.

Diego, having recovered from donating blood, decided alongside Five to find Harold Jenkins - aka Leonard. They took Klaus along with them to check out his home address only to find the man himself dead with various household sharp objects like knives and scissors sticking out of his chest. There being no sign of Vanya they got out of there before the cops could arrive - that is after Five measured the eye he'd been carrying around for decades in Leonard's empty eye socket.

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