❝Are you clean?❞

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Zelma loved and hated her internship at Zion Ver Labs. It was the best place she could be at to research theories of time travel and construct her own. There was less time to construct her own theories of time travel when being asked to get coffees for the whole floor and make copies for her boss - but it was a price everyone paid for once a week. Dr. Romeo was the main reason Zelma took the internship which only paid her expenses tied to her research.

Needing a way to pay for her apartment, groceries, transportation, and just anything she would want in general meant Zelma needed to get a paying job. The only way to work another job was to work at night and make sure it was more than the bare minimum of minimum wage pay. The only way to do that was to be a night sales associate at a department store that was open until midnight.

Having to work a night shift meant little to no people in the store, giving time for Zelma to think about her research. There was also the main reason she liked the night shift, no customers to ask her or give her odd looks when they saw her wearing leather gloves. At the lab, no one asked questions because most of the time she was alone and there were those that just did not care about her clothing only about her work


The woman quickly looks up from her notebook to find her coworker pushing out a cart of new merchandise. Zelma closes her notebook and puts it under the register before fixing her apron, "I thought merchandizing wasn't needed today"

"Oh these are decorations," Theo grins while holding up a candy cane stick as tall as him

Confused and wanting to curse, Zelma asks, "Halloween just passed. Thanksgiving isn't for another three weeks, right?"

"Yeah, but now I have to facetime my girl to see which decorations she wants me to put on hold," Theo shares as it wasn't the first time he'd face timed his girlfriend while on the job

Zelma sighs in annoyance at the couple's cuteness, "I guess this means I'm helping"

"I can always get Remy to help," Theo shrugs as it was no bother

"Nah he's recovering, and I do not want to do that," Zelma emphasizes not about to help recover the store as four hours in Remy still wasn't done

Night shifts for Zelma did not require her to do a lot of work, normally she delegated that work to the others in the store as for some reason – could be because she had the keys to close the store – her coworkers went to her for what they should do. Days where they had to unbox new merchandize and decorate the store for some theme did mean Zelma had to keep a close eye as last time she left Remy and Theo unsupervised they had to call an ambulance for a broken arm

Late night walks were always scary, even if she was just walking from out of locking the store to the parking lot. This particular late night, Zelma did not have a car as it'd gotten stolen last month meaning she had to walk to the closest open diner while waiting for a ride. Her coworkers called her crazy for not accepting their ride offers and walking alone to the diner at night but Zelma knew they drove in the opposite direction as them and that calling for a ride at the diner meant she saved money

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