Chapter 12

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SG1 guys and girls, Mrs. J.K., Writing is fun, critiquing other writers is fun too. Being critiqued is bloody annoying… I blame my age for it. Old Guy is a grumpy bastard after all.


With a big grin, Tracey beamed to the Control Chair. A minute later her voice came through the speakers, "All systems that matter are green, releasing docking clamps in ten seconds."

12 Going Home… Flying Home.

Ten seconds later we felt… nothing at all, the inertial dampers made it a smooth ride up. Tracey's voice told us, "We reach the surface in an hour, I keep it at 3 ft a second, what is the weather up there? I am limited in my range now, I can barely see beyond my shield."

I shook my head, "Stop merging with the sensors for that, Tracey, access the terminals of the Control Center to get your Data. It is slower but won't fry your brain."

"Ow… I knew that, I just didn't remember it," came her embarrassed voice, "Ah, it is evening up there, the weather is nice."

After calculating my options, I made my mind up, "Lavender, while you stay here and beam raw materials in from the continent, I'll go out with a shuttle and visit those three Auroras, I'll take some volunteers with me and see if we can salvage them, we will turn the beacon off and wait for you to collect them. I need three pilots that have experience flying our Auroras."

Lavender answered, "Padma will contact us in two hours, she will send some pilots through, I will ask for a load of drone weapons too."

Mireille spoke up, "We located Astra Portas close to where those Auroras are located, one is on the same planet as one. You can go through now, there is some Naquadah and Trinium in that solar system, with Maintenance bots, Repair droids, and Constructor droids, I think you can get that ship back into space."

Tracey's voice added, "Take some ZPMs with you. It is easy for a Construction Droid to create an extra socket and you can power the ship with a ZPM. Harry can charge the depleted ZPM later, that way those Auroras have two ZPMs."


Padma called in, "Hello, Atlantis, wait a bit, we syncronyze our holo-emitters so we can talk face to face… ah, that is better. When can we expect you home, Harry?"

"We need at least a week here, Padma," I answered, "we located three Lantean Aurora Class battleships. We plan to salvage them and bring them home with us. Can you send some pilots with high brain power over, two or three should do it."

Lavender added, "And a load of drone weapons too, Padma, we are almost out of them here and the secondary weapons need repair, we are nearly defenseless. Raw materials too if you can spare them."

Padma smiled, "We are prepared to send raw materials through, the engineering department made floats that can pass through the Porta, we are sending them through now, tell us when you run out of space. I'll arrange the pilots."

Float after float came through the Astra Porta and filled the cargo bay, we used our mental control to steer them to their place. A genius designed those floats! With an expansion charm, they carry almost ten times their normal load. Soon the cargo bay was filled with floats, and we made them stop delivering.

Build an Empire Harry, or get killed in the process by fvdv123 Where stories live. Discover now