Chapter 4

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Mrs. J.K., SG1 Dudes, I have lots of fun… or I would not be doing this for free.


I told them, "Search for planets with a lot of resources, Trinium and Naquadah are on top of my wish list. The planet doesn't need to have an atmosphere Search the side of the outer rim of the Milky Way first. Now that everyone is on the known, speak Lantean, please. That way, the language will replace English as the main language in your brain, and will make working with the equipment more natural."

4 Space, the Final Frontier… has no borders.

I prepared my Construction table for the Social satellite and started the process once the raw materials were loaded on the table. This one will take longer, it is capable to go into orbit, has shields and cloak, and can be operational for about a century with this kind of Power Crystals. It can spy… monitor our solar system and intercept Subspace and Hyperspace communications. The best part? It is only the size of a beach ball.

I powered the fifth computer up for Luna and connected it to the Scanner, the construction tables are forgotten now they found a new toy, they explored our neighboring stars and their planets, amazed about the detail.

The sixth computer was for the Construction bots, I put a Power crystal in and started it up, then I sat on a couch and searched my database for a nice small shuttle that has room for ten, a bit of cargo space, and is capable of traveling through Hyperspace. It has to be able to pass through a star gate…

Ah, this is a pretty one, it is an older model. The Lanteans were shit at designing spaceships imo. It has a good cloaking device and shields, I have to adjust the engines to run on my Power Crystals until I have a source of Naquadah. Weapons? Nah, a transport beam will be enough. It will need more raw materials though.

I stored the blueprint with my modifications in my computer along with the proper programming, also modified to compensate for the Power output change. It reduced the shuttle's speed a lot, but I don't need to travel ten light years in a few seconds, a few hours is fast enough, but it is still faster than anything the Goa'uld can come up with… I think.

"Is this the new spaceship?" asked Padma,

I nodded, "Yes, it will be a bit slow due to the poor power output, but once we get a supply of Naquadah and Trinium we can update this model and use it as Gate ships."

Padma sighed, "Our computers are still making me speechless, controlled by our thoughts, no screen but a holo-screen that not only can project it as a hologram with a black or white background, but they can also project it directly into our brain if we want privacy or in public. And you say this is a simple model?

"The main computer of Atlantis," I answered, "Once you know what it is capable of you will understand why this one is primitive."

Luna's voice came from behind me, "And one day you will get it here."

"WE will," I said while turning to face Luna, "One day WE will have our legacy back. I can not do this alone, I want you all by my side to get us back into Space and back to be the most advanced race of the Galaxies again."

Luna smiled, "You are too greedy, Harry. Are you going to be our new ruler?"

Hmm, that may not be a bad idea, an oath of fealty or a Magic contract and making it for a few generations will set us back on the map without forming splinter groups. Once there is a solid social structure can the leadership change. Imagine setting a Malfoy loose in Space? He would be worse than the Goa'uld.

Build an Empire Harry, or get killed in the process by fvdv123 Where stories live. Discover now