Chapter 5

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SG1 Dudes, MRS. J.K., Mr. Warugaki... Wizards in Space is a scary thought, isn't it? It makes people want to read about it… I hope.


Lavender shook her head, "For the second flight, Harry. You have to make a test flight first."

5 First Wizards in Space!

Hannah said, "I want in! Mum was a Trekkie… I'll explain later. I want to go into Space, the Final Frontier!"

Luna was puzzled, "Space has no borders, Hannah."

"As I said, I will explain it later, Luna, I just had to say it out loud," said Hannah sadly, "Mum used to talk about how it would be if we could go into space and explore the Galaxy like in that TV show Star Trek. She would have loved it."

Hannah's mum got murdered in our sixth year by Death Eaters, Susan's Aunt got murdered too, everyone seems to have scars on their souls. I bet last year was Hell in Hogwarts, Hermione, Ron, and I suffered too but I bet not as much as Neville and the kids at Hogwarts.

Lavender handed communicators to Hannah and Susan and helped Aunty and Uncle connect with their communicator with me. Neville assisted Hannah and the twins did Susan. We left when everyone was connected, they will visit us tomorrow to get their first Lantean download.


Back home, the girls confronted me, "More than just friends, Harry?" asked Padma.

I nodded, "Yes, More than friends, I care about all four of you, these last days were the best of my life. I feel comfortable with all of you, it just feels right, you know?"

Luna asked, "What about Hermione?"

I shrugged, "I care for her too, I spent seven years in her company and she saved my hide several times. I have to give her a flushing potion first so that I will know her true feelings about me. Either way, she will want to be a part of this no matter what. The Weasleys however… Molly has some serious explaining to do."

Lavender put her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, "I like to be more than friends too, Harry, what does that make us? Lovers? Girlfriends? Wives? All of it?"

I pulled her closer for a snog, "Girlfriends and Lovers sounds about right. You have to realize I did not exactly have a nice childhood, so I am unsure what true love is. It could be what I am feeling now or is it pure lust? Wives, you ask? Do you want to share a husband with three other girls? Four if Hermione feels for me? Why don't we wait a bit longer before we bind each other together for life."

Parvati hugged me from behind, "I'll take both Lust and Girlfriend, Harry. We need some time to heal too. Last year was a nightmare, and our emotions are rampaging through our minds. Let's settle for Lust first, we want to feel alive, I want to celebrate that I am alive! I want to fuck you so bad that it hurts. Bed now, Harry."


Two hours later we came down for a late lunch. Luna had a smile on her face, the months in Malfoy's dungeon were horrible, we made her forget about it for a few hours, the shag was great too. Thank Merlin for the Fixer! instant recovery! Little Harry is ready for action again in less than twenty seconds!

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