Chapter 22

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SG1 Guys and Galls, Mrs. J.K., … … Meh, I can't have a semi-funny comment everytime, so I do this for free. Lame, I know, but that is the way it is.


When I set Gramps to the fifteenth Reality, a week later he came back to ask, "Harry? There is a prior converting the Jaffa. It seems the Ori made it here. What do we do? Abandon the mission? If they know we are from another Reality that will bring problems to our door."

22 Home.

Quickly, I calculated my options: "The Priors function as a medium for the Ori. There is no doubt they will notice time travel. Start the City on Rigil and the shipyards. I fear we have to need the Auroras for this. You can go to Asgard and solve the Replicator and cloning problems. That will free their armada to assist in our war against the Ori."

"I will search for Merlin and his solution for the Ori," he continued after some thinking, "According to my Vambrace he was working on something to solve that. Lay low for the moment, maybe you can get Earth straightened out."

"There is nothing to straighten, Harry. There are almost no wizards on Earth anymore. According to the data, the witch hunts were more intense, and three Dark Lords in a row made it so that they got hunted down completely." said Gramps while he shook his head,

Gramps checked his datapad, "All the magic places are ruins or disappeared. Diagon Alley is gone, so is the Rue Magique and the Mercato Magico. All of them are gone, muggle buildings are in its place now."

"What about the Astra Porta?" I asked, "Are they exploring the Galaxy?"

"Yes, and they are making a mess out of it. The NID is robbing all they can get their hands on. I am starting to doubt they are worth our efforts." Grandpa nodded, "they are in that mountain, and NID is in area 51."

Gramps has a point, I am not comfortable to have the Ori next door though. It is time to get Merlin's Mantle out of the mothballs. Too bad, I thought that erasing Vala Mal Doran's memories of the Goa'uld would be enough to avoid trouble. They must have found another way.

I shrugged, "It still is our mess. If we allow to get the Ori a foothold in that Galaxy, it will easily spread to ours. Check Glastonbury Thor out, secure the outpost, defrost Alianna, and remove all the Goa'uld that infiltrated Earth. Set long and short-ranged scanners out, that should be enough."

It will stir enough attention to let them know a new player is in town, but not enough to draw attention from the Priors.


I entered the restricted cargo bay of The Potter, where I stored all the sensitive stuff. The Arthur's Mantle device was stored here too, I connected it to the power grid and activated it. It recognized the Vambrace and allowed total access to the data banks. To copy the building plans of the Sangraal was easy for me.

SG1 had to jump through a lot of hoops to find the one Merlin already built, I can build one of my own right here and now. The Potter is not detectable by the Others or Ori, due to the wards we put on them, an ideal place to build my stuff. I bet the Others are frustrated by us for being able to hide from them.

It took a few hours to build the Sangraal. Once done, I called a new Corvette in and started to modify it, I installed the biggest Hyperdrive, strongest shield generators, and best cloaking device in it. Warded against detection of the Ori and Others, I added two ZPMs to power everything up. Runed with Reparo and cooling Runes will keep everything in top shape. At last, I installed an Astra Porta, and the Corvette was ready for duty.

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